Vapor Spam Thread


? & beyond
Fucking awesome post partially veiled....You've certainly informed me a lot their. I'm still digesting it all.

Might I ask who you voted for? I'm just curious because I find it interesting their were basically 5 'valid' parties.... when we just had 2. :/

And no, I don't think B.O. is a solution, or 'real change'. Same dude, different face. 'Big brother'


Well-Known Member
hey fc'ers!

its been awhile since ive been around, was having some damned computer issues for awhile, then i moved into a new house and right after that went on a turkey week vacation. after i got back i have been kindof lazing around.

but i are back now, and am putting myself on a tight schedule for making vidoes. you can bet there will be plenty of vape specific ones to come.

vape on, vapiers


Well-Known Member
partially veiled said:
On a more related note, I'm still on an abstinence LORD I wish I was vaping tonight though. Being back here makes me want to at least vape up a celebratory bowl.
I hear you bro. I'm heading to Amsterdam in a few hours but I've been (mostly) abstinent all week to enhance the trip. Painful stuff, the bud I've been getting the past few months has been golden. Looking at it, sitting there... not fun.


lurking kiwi
I agree with those sentiments. When I'm low on bud I don't like reading all the posts about the FC members vappin all those lovely nugs. :uhoh:

Infact I'm outa bud at the mo :( but finding the legal blend Dream very much to my liking. A more balanced high than Spice Gold/Diamond with lots of energy - no couch lock. I do like a bit of couch mong though and just found a headshop with SG for $20 less than everywhere else. So next weekend I will mix the two blends!

This is a good way to bring in a period of abstinance for me coz I wont vap during the week and then I stock up on some blends for the weekend. This will help my current soaring tolerance and also help me save a little cash.

Until the next zip falls into my lap :brow:

Note ^^^ I'm picking all these yankie terms ... zip ... faded ... I'm becoming hip again. :disgust: n NOT :rolleyes:


? & beyond
Start adding 'izzle' at the end of things... now that's 'American'.

Fo shizzle my nizzle.

lol wut?

(long day.... :lol: )

wb tokinglx, I was wondering where you went off to!

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
hahahahahahaha "I'm way too old to izzle"

That is by and large the best quote I've heard in at least a month. Haha I genuinely LOLed at that one VC. Stone cold sober, at that!!! Yet...that will be remedied. Wouldn't you know--I'm back here and within a day that is all I can take: abstinence be gone! I suppose it is time. No intention of going back into things full swing...but boyos, we shall be ripped this eve. I'm off to begin "waiting for my man", then I'll be back to share a bowl with you fellers.
partially veiled,

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
VC that quote is still making me laugh...:p

Soooo yeah. In a fitting tribute to the breaking of the abstinence break, the shit is quite uppity dank-like tonight. It's so damned good, it almost feels like it must know it's this good. It certainly helps to have brought my tolerance level down--but I can honestly tell you I am still FAR from ground let this be a lesson to all the kiddies: tolerance doesn't drop to zero immediately upon consumption cessation for absolutely buy the ticket and you take the ride, and that's just true all over. It's nice to have some effect again though...I think I was finding myself in the same boat DD had been in before (Or perhaps is still finding himself in?? You here buddy? I'm grasping for an oar that's obscured through my wooly Viking beard!): my medicine had more or less stopped working for me, because I had strayed from the format of medicating foremost with semi-frequent recreational use coming secondary (still a verrrry liberal amount of pot smoking going on!) to basically "tuning out" of responsible usage altogether, which means I just stopped respecting it and begun consuming it whole scale. Didn't really happen over night...but now it's all popping out like one of those 3D pictures in my retrospect. I suppose then all that I really can say is that I'm just glad to have some glimpse of a perspective NOW.

That's my take, anyway...and although my well practiced physical tolerances are still in full form (ie. I get nowhere nearly as ripped from this good herb as I should), I really do feel much more "centered", at the helm of my perspective and just energized to get up and set things into motion...and that particular desire had begun to wane before.

To bring part of that Martial Arts thread into this rant (can you tell I've had an itch to scratch?? Sorry that you all are my crutch tonight...but that's why this shit goes in spam, and nobody HAS to read it...and hell, people can burn the shit out of me if they'd like to; it's your time--you use it): I think a large part of the way that I feel now, after that absence from both the Internet and Cannabis, has more to do with the deepening and enriching of an active lifestyle than it does from abstaining from either of those things. I really do believe that. Exercise is so damned essential to our nature...and true physical training brings both patience and clarity of thought. That's why I say that I feel getting more exercise is FAR more beneficial to you than vaporizing SOME Cannabis or spending SOME time on the Internet are damaging--assuming that those SOMES have numerical values which are both reasonable and responsible for your given situation.

This doesn't mean to downplay the importance of willpower and of the conscious usage of Cannabis, but I do happen to think that more people are bent out of shape physically and emotionally by their -diets -lifestyles (workspace/cultural mentalities and actual working/living conditions...notice how working always comes frist...and general/social/relationship stress levels, but certainly not limited to those things...) -material hang-ups and techno-obsessions/fetishes -levels of physical engagement DIRECTLY with the biosphere (ie. getting your hands dirty, you shmuck) and finally -levels of physical and mental engagement. If you measure most people up on the time and effort they put into cultivating these different faculties, I contend that you'll find most people don't spend much or any time at all, and they are in fact almost wholly on autopilot.

It is my feeling that a massively unhealthy diet is one of the main factors for our "sickness"--and not just fried and fatty foods that we know are bad, but processed/refined foods, chemically enriched foods, petroleum based agriculture--extremely concentrated "artifical" (no such thing, really...but some ways are undoubtably much more harsh than others) fertilization, agriculture in general (the conversion of what used to be an eco-system into human bio-mass--to steal and pervert the words of some famous person whose name I don't have a chance of remembering), foods treated with pesticides and the resultant reduction of microbiotic life in soils, foods watered with bad water (yes, once again I'm espousing something that seems supercilious on the surface: the belief that MOST water people are delivered is tainted--and most often intentionally! Yet, methinks this is no surprise to most of us--fluoride, anybody?), foods packaged in wasteful and potentially harmful/leeching packaging, foods covered with wildly artificial dyes. It is my contention that most people eat dirty food, and a horrendous, almost entirely unnatural diet. Exercise is probably the next step, for as I've said I believe it builds the foundation for clear thinking. This is well beyond my :2c:, more like my entire wallet. Though that doesn't really add up to a hell of a lot more than :2c: these days.

Anyway, I am truly sorry to lay that on so thick...apparently I did not realize that I needed to vent that as bad as I actually did. I don't know why it's always laid out on you guys...maybe because I just happen to get a little high when I'm here??? Hmmmmmmmmmm? :lol: Gah, at least be happy you don't have to deal with me in real life. There's a lot of funny facial expression and strange noises thrown in the mix during the stage show ;)

So I decided to break out the Surfer tonight since the PD has been unplugged for the last little while--no need to pull that power when it's not being used, even if it is such a small amount. I will say, as has been commented before...that thing feels DEAD when you hold it without a charge. I'm so used to the gentle warm aura of my PD in my hand that it just feels like I'm carrying my dead pet out to the backyard to bury it, or something. It is cold and it is not even twitching. Haha it just makes me soooo sad...that I have to plug it in, if even just to warm my hands ;)

Annnyway...something to say about the Surfer now, as well; but that's actually more relevant to topic so I'll post it in the appropriate thread.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I tried to take some pictures of this fresh bud I snatched with my Sisters sweet digi-cam, but I am literally too high to figure it out right now--too many damned little buttons. I've got a real nice bud picked out to photograph, so hopefully I'll figure that out tomorrow...or I'll just fall back on the other, much crappier but much easier to use camera. :D
partially veiled,

Acolyte of Zinglon

bah nonsense! we love your rants here, theyre so well thought out and well worded, not to mention the very natural and organic growth and development

Gah, at least be happy you don't have to deal with me in real life. There's a lot of funny facial expression and strange noises thrown in the mix during the stage show wink
:lol: thats something i have to see

in real life im generally a quiet outsider until i come across a subject matter that interests me, then i dont shut up :brow:
im mostly an observer, usually a listener, i usually take a passive role in conversations unless i know the person well enough
but any information i come across gets filed away in my huge fractal beehive of a mindscape
Acolyte of Zinglon,


yo thanks mods for giving me a nod in the ABV thread that was newly created today. showing me that my posts matter. its making me have a new love for vape again! :uhoh:



lurking kiwi

you'll live :p

Did I say how much I farken love this time of year? It seems like every second day I out playing music, practising with the band or sumthing! Shit ... even got an email from a dude who wants me to manage his band :uhoh:

The only crappy thing is the old mother green is a bit scarce :( But our drummer gave me a nug last night so I'm nice and toasted this morning. Yummy hits from the PD :tup: WFH day too (work frm home) Sweet :D


? & beyond
What is the purpose of that ABV thread? Just old 'dead threads'

Oh n' VaporCloud, I hadn't seen your 'I'm too old to izzle' post until how. FUNNIEST shit ever. :lol: :lol: I'm still laughing at that one..... haha, good stuff man.... good stuff.... :lol:


SpiralArchitect said:
What is the purpose of that ABV thread? Just old 'dead threads'

Oh n' VaporCloud, I hadn't seen your 'I'm too old to izzle' post until how. FUNNIEST shit ever. :lol: :lol: I'm still laughing at that one..... haha, good stuff man.... good stuff.... :lol:
so newbs kno where to find all the good stuff on vapes/vape related stuff

p.s. remember awhile back when i said we needed a thread like this...wallah :brow:


vapor junkie
Staff member
Yep it's basically an archive for dead threads, an attempt to clean things up a bit. Do you see any threads in there that need revisiting? Let me know. Few of my threads are in there too, it's absolutely nothing personal.

yo thanks mods for giving me a nod in the ABV thread that was newly created today. showing me that my posts matter. its making me have a new love for vape again!
Yo, Hennessey, most of your posts suck! :peace:


vtac said:
Yep it's basically an archive for dead threads, an attempt to clean things up a bit. Do you see any threads in there that need revisiting? Let me know. Few of my threads are in there too, it's absolutely nothing personal.

yo thanks mods for giving me a nod in the ABV thread that was newly created today. showing me that my posts matter. its making me have a new love for vape again!
Yo, Hennessey, most of your posts suck! :peace:
thanks. makes me want to destroy all my vapes and piss on the whole "vaporizing" idea.

all over you

oh yeah the spam thread......4got :disgust:


? & beyond
Dude, take a chill pill, but I will side with vtac. I've yet to read a genuinely interesting post of yours Henn. I usually just read them because of the entertainment value... it's like watching a baby trying to hammer in a nail, but he ends up smashing all of his fingers into a bloody pulp, oblivious to his own self-destruction. :lol:


SpiralArchitect said:
Dude, take a chill pill, but I will side with vtac. I've yet to read a genuinely interesting post of yours Henn. I usually just read them because of the entertainment value... it's like watching a baby trying to hammer in a nail, but he ends up smashing all of his fingers into a bloody pulp, oblivious to his own self-destruction. :lol:
he thought the thank you i gave him was a slap in the face pun so he turned it around and smacked me right in my grill :mad:

not ok with that...and hey dont compare me to a crash and burn...what the fuck?!


vapor junkie
Staff member
Thanks for proving my point, Hen. This is a forum for mature adults, I'm sick of babysitting you.

Sorry it didn't work out, maybe we can try again in 2009.



? & beyond
Every Village needs a local idiot, right? :p

Henny is spamming my AIM with his frustrations right now.... :uhoh:

//goes and hides in his igloo :lol:


Well-Known Member
SpiralArchitect said:
Every Village needs a local idiot, right? :p
And every community needs an example of how not to behave, its unfortunate that it had to be him.

Hopefully he can take his time off of the forums to reflect on why the decision was made.

now back to vapor spamming :ko:


Tommy Chong
dude wtf
i cant believe you all just hate on hennessy like that
thats some bullshit
he probley knows way more then all of you


Well-Known Member
Vaporcloud said:
The only crappy thing is the old mother green is a bit scarce
Can you grow your own at all? I know you got kids which can preclude it, but I just grow a couple of females each summer in the corner of the garden which keeps me going nicely. Grow a bunch of chillis and tomatoes as well in the same-looking pots and they cover-up nicely for me.

My kids are still young but as they get older I might need to reconsider, but for now it's a great hobby.


Vapor concierge
SpiralArchitect said:
Dude, take a chill pill, but I will side with vtac. I've yet to read a genuinely interesting post of yours Henn. I usually just read them because of the entertainment value... it's like watching a baby trying to hammer in a nail, but he ends up smashing all of his fingers into a bloody pulp, oblivious to his own self-destruction. :lol:
That's one of the funniest analogies I've ever read!
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