
Well-Known Member
No problem.....its my first vape after smoking for 49 years
One last dumb question - is there layer of plastic over the mouth piece when you first take it out the box or does the material just appear to look like it has a thin layer of plastic? Last thing I want to do is try and peel something off and scratch the actual mouth piece...


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
One last dumb question - is there layer of plastic over the mouth piece when you first take it out the box or does the material just appear to look like it has a thin layer of plastic? Last thing I want to do is try and peel something off and scratch the actual mouth piece...
Mine didn't have any plastic over the mouthpiece.


Well-Known Member
Hey i was wondering if anyone had an idea when a wpa would be availiable yet? Im between this and the v3pro and no wpa has been the one thing leaning me torward the v3. I dont really need one, i just like using glass at home. But reading this thread makes me want the roffu too with the comparisons its had.


Long Island, NY
Now I need a good grinder.



Well-Known Member
Company Rep
session mode seems like it could work too if the heating element doesn't inadvertently heat the herb chamber when air is not being pulled.
The heat rising from the element will eventually soak the unit and the load...a lot slower than conduction vapes though. :2c: I just turn the unit off while continuing to draw to cool the load down if saving it for later.
its my first vape after smoking for 49 years
Well done and keep it up! It is a big shock to the system to give up after so long, well done...vaping helped me kick smoking (nicotine as well)...would have been much harder without a vape or 2.
an idea when a wpa would be availiable
I have been told it will be available soon...no firmer time frame yet. A GonG 14mm male to whatever size you need with a bit of silicone hose works for me until the OEM release.
@Summer GFL Brilliant Cut Grinder is great, as seen here with a 'medium' grind type plate,
And with the capsules...no filter is needed,

Old Stoner1958

Well-Known Member
I took a look at te Brilliant Cut Grinder, but it was a 5 to 7 week wait for delivery and 75.00.
A friend of mine gave me a 4 piece Santta Cruz Shredder in mint shape. He had 2 and gave me the medium in rasta and kept the large.
Very fluffy grind.
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Well-Known Member
Anyone else show a fully charged unit (as I understand it, the screen stops blinking and the battery level shows a full and static image) when it's plugged in with the USB cable and when you turn it on after unplugging the cable the battery has some portion already drained?


SEARCH for the treasure...
Anyone else show a fully charged unit (as I understand it, the screen stops blinking and the battery level shows a full and static image) when it's plugged in with the USB cable and when you turn it on after unplugging the cable the battery has some portion already drained?

I mentioned this in my post #335:

“Noticed when plugged into a USB METER from 2.1 amp charger, the five charge status bars stop, indicating a FULL CHARGE, but it’s still drawing some low amps for awhile. So when you first turn on the device, and you don’t see the tiny batter icon on screen with full fifth bar on, you’ll know why.”

I'm still trying to find the sweet spot......

There's something about the temp. With all my other vapes I normally hang around 380F to start a bowl before temp stepping up to 428F to finish it off. I started off playing around with draws at my normal temps when I first got the Roffu but I've been drifting lower and lower in temp looking for the equivalent of "my 380F"

I get around 6-8 hits per fill depending on cure and temp step twice. I start at 285F and finish it off at 350F.

My unit runs hot which is why I don't go past 350F. I get ABV that is nicely brown/black the way I like it at 350F.

I went back and reread your posts. My unit behaves the same, temperature seems approximately 50f hotter then my many other portables (except cheap Ambit). Realize now why I couldn’t dial it in. Starting at 300f now instead of 350f-360f, getting a few more flavorful hits, next bowl I’ll start lower at 280f for science….


Well-Known Member
I mentioned this in my post #335:

“Noticed when plugged into a USB METER from 2.1 amp charger, the five charge status bars stop, indicating a FULL CHARGE, but it’s still drawing some low amps for awhile. So when you first turn on the device, and you don’t see the tiny batter icon on screen with full fifth bar on, you’ll know why.”
Sorry so I still don't understand the take away - do I keep letting it charge longer even though it's showing full battery charged? I do see the tiny battery icon when I turn it on after it appearing to be fully charged - it just shows some % of battery already drained as if I never topped it off charging.

Old Stoner1958

Well-Known Member
I unplugged mine and let it sit a few seconds then plugged it back. It then showed 80& (on the Roffu) and after it showed full charge I had full battery indicator on the Roffu.
Old Stoner1958,
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do I keep letting it charge longer even though it's showing full battery charged?
Pushing in the last 5% of the battery capacity may give 0.5 x extra puff and will do nothing more than shorten the battery's overall life by a tiny bit...so it is up to you how to treat the battery. :tup:
I also found my Roffu runs hotter than most of my convection vapes and can get ABV as dark as my conduction vapes in 1/4 of the time if I wanted...I don't so I also stick to much lower temps than normal for me. 180C(355f) on the Roffu gives me the same ABV as an unhacked Plenty at max temp (was 200c/390f)...I like the extra in reserve scenario rather than not enough when it comes to temperature selection.


Well-Known Member
I really wanted to get the new Roffu cover which I think is really awesome...its $5 but, the shipping for me is $15....its a shame. Oh well.
Same for me, was trying to buy that and the scoop (since I bought the lite kit). $15 is just too much for shipping for those two small items.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Same for me, was trying to buy that and the scoop (since I bought the lite kit). $15 is just too much for shipping for those two small items.
I tried to see if there was a coupon or something I did not see any...I wish that there was another option for the shipping...they only give one option. $15 for something that weighs shit....no way. Making it tough I tell you...its like people do not want business.


SEARCH for the treasure...
Sorry so I still don't understand the take away - do I keep letting it charge longer even though it's showing full battery charged? I do see the tiny battery icon when I turn it on after it appearing to be fully charged - it just shows some % of battery already drained as if I never topped it off charging.

Seemed self explanatory to me. If you really want to see the bars at FULL, keep it on the charger for another 20-30 minutes, though it’s not worth the time or effort for an extra puff or two. Not sure why folks don’t get an inexpensive USB meter, it has many uses, for charging, you can visually see how many amps your device charges at (ROFFU max is 1amp.), can diagnose if the USB cable is able to deliver needed amps, and in this case shows diminished amp draw as device nears end of charge cycle, and more….

For less then $12, something everyone should own:



Well-Known Member
Company Rep
I tried to see if there was a coupon or something I did not see any
At the top of the XVAPE site it says,

Use code "OIL" for 15% off + FREE Shipping over $50​

they only give one option. $15 for something that weighs shit
At least the only option is express.
Most sellers have a minimum amount set, this covers not only the postage but the packing/packaging. Only having to spend $50 to get free shipping is pretty generous as a lot of sellers have a higher free shipping point.
That said, I will look for some cheaper alternatives with some different suppliers and see if we can offer a cheaper service rather than just express.:tup:

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
At the top of the XVAPE site it says,

Use code "OIL" for 15% off + FREE Shipping over $50​

At least the only option is express.
Most sellers have a minimum amount set, this covers not only the postage but the packing/packaging. Only having to spend $50 to get free shipping is pretty generous as a lot of sellers have a higher free shipping point.
That said, I will look for some cheaper alternatives with some different suppliers and see if we can offer a cheaper service rather than just express.:tup:
Thank you.

Old Stoner1958

Well-Known Member
At the top of the XVAPE site it says,

Use code "OIL" for 15% off + FREE Shipping over $50​

At least the only option is express.
Most sellers have a minimum amount set, this covers not only the postage but the packing/packaging. Only having to spend $50 to get free shipping is pretty generous as a lot of sellers have a higher free shipping point.
That said, I will look for some cheaper alternatives with some different suppliers and see if we can offer a cheaper service rather than just express.:tup:
I found that you need to order 60.00 worth of merchandise to get the free shipping. If the order is 50.00 the coupon code OIL will lower the cart total. and the shipping is still 15.00. So you actually have to have an order total of 60,00 then the OIL code will lower cart to 51.00 and free shipping.
This is the norm will most online stores that I have ordered from.
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