I would recommend leaving the battery in the unit as much as you can as the way you have to remove and replace it in the vape may cause premature wear on the battery wrap if you are not careful (even if you are careful the battery contact on the device still rubs the edge of the battery when you insert it, same design as my Tera).
Also, the unit will not operate with a flat battery even if plugged in, so not true 'pass through', similar to S&B the battery needs a little juice in it to operate...10 mins was plenty to have a sesh. The unit will only charge at just under 1 amp whether the unit is being used to vape at the same time or not.
I have now owned the vape for 16 days and used it as my main vape since I got it. I thought the draw resistance has gon up a bit so time for its first clean.
Here is what it looks like after 150+ bowls, it was only ever brushed out (when I remembered, I did not in the following pic) after each bowl,
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All parts except the outer plastic mouthpiece are cleaned in iso for 15 to 20 minutes(as per the instructions). The outer plastic mouthpiece is supposed to be washed with soapy water as per the instructions but I just used hot water...I don't like how some soap's smell can hang onto plastic.

I did all this in my ultrasonic cleaner so my actual cleaning time was a couple of minutes for me and 30 minutes for my ultrasonic cleaner plus a minute to iso qtip the oven clean.
It would still be pretty easy to maintain without the UC but I have one.