Multi-brand Xmax V3Pro vaporizer, convection, on-demand&session.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
No, that's just the X-Max glass top, not the potv one. I can't see anything about it that differs from the original other than a different set of accessories out of the box.

Not that the original needs improvement. My V3Pro was the MVP yesterday, chomping through dosing caps and chucking enormous clouds.


Well-Known Member
No, that's just the X-Max glass top, not the potv one. I can't see anything about it that differs from the original other than a different set of accessories out of the box.

Not that the original needs improvement. My V3Pro was the MVP yesterday, chomping through dosing caps and chucking enormous clouds.
stainless steel oven. doesn't the og version of xmax and potv v3 pro's all have the same oven? Pro+ is just a Same glass tube MP setup, nothing different?
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Accessory Maker
Hasn't it always been stainless steel? In any case, XMAX is known for applying device improvements mid production, soft updates of components, or just generally adjusting the device to be as good as it always could be. One of the reasons I adore the "current" v3pro in spite of being disappointed with the original offering.

If this is just minor adjustments or a different base configuration, that wouldn't surprise.


Well-Known Member
Anybody know more about this"plus"version"? (can't search for this word)

X-MAX V3 Pro+ (Plus)

Looks like a Xmax version with glass mp instead of the OG duckbill mp. Doesn’t appear to be the POTV version as they use their own glass mp which has a taller mp base compared to the Xmax glass mp. The duckbill mp with it’s magnets that fall off won’t be missed imo.
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Well-Known Member
The reason i am looking into another MP is the result of soaking it in iso, i didn't read the manual......



Well-Known Member
The reason i am looking into another MP is the result of soaking it in iso, i didn't read the manual......

you soak peek or any plastic in 91% iso? or even zirconia? i'm i the only one who see a problem or issue with doing so?


Well-Known Member
The plastic may not get soaked in iso, hence my warranty claim is not rewarded.


Well-Known Member
The reason i am looking into another MP is the result of soaking it in iso, i didn't read the manual......

You can get only the mouthpiece itself. Would recommend any of the glass options myself.


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what I use, much superior to the original mouthpiece for mouthfeel and cleaning and easily dropped into a 14mm glass piece.

Grass Yes

Staff member
I'll get the Glass Water Pipe Adapter i guess, gives me the possibility to either use it with glass or as a mouthpiece.
I upgraded to the POTV mouthpiece and I like it a lot more:

I have a lot of those kinds of stems from vapcaps, HR, and firewood so it has been great.

Although it looks like you are possibly in Europe so your access may vary.
Grass Yes,


New Member
Alas, as far as i'm aware no POTV gear in EU.

I have this adapter from POTV. It can double as a mouthpiece. The magnets are sealed inside.


New Member
Don't know how create threads
I need some advice
As I am new to dry herb vaping
Getting xmax V3 pro for xmas
I am Confused in some posts about batteries
This may be a dumb question
I'm confused what 40-80c
Some batteries say don't exceed 40-80c
With some of the batteries
So I'm planning on
Sony vtc 5a
Molice M35
I read best battery is p26A but it's out of stock all the places I see
The question I have with these batteries
Can you still use the Xmax V3 pro as reg vaping like go up 400F- 420 high temperature
And would this be a good charger
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