My V3Pro arrived this morning. Blazing fast shipping from Canada, considering I ordered Thursday afternoon. Initial impressions are very good:
-2 burn offs with continual puffing didn't really impart much "new-electronic" flavor compared to the Starry or AirvapeX
-It's just occurred to me that I did 2 full max temp burn off sessions back to back while puffing and had zero lip or throat discomfort, so I am really optimistic about how well the ceramic maze tames heat.
-unit gets warm but not hot in use
-Screen is really nice, better than the starry or airvapeX
-I LOVE the form factor. About 80% the size I expected, and all the smooth rounded edges are a dream to hold. (Starry is great but all sharp edges).
-There were some scuffs on the plastic around the buttons from manufacture, but it doesn't affect function. Might want to put protective layer on this part though.
-Did I mention how much I LOVE the rounded corners and form factor?
-Just noticed that in on demand it gives you a reading of the temps available, and you can see them drop when you arent using it. Nice touch.
I see what
@LesPlenty means. I'll play with on demand more, but it's less hassle to just click three times, puff how you like, and click three time to turn off before cool down hits. Also the unit doesn't stay in ready state forever in on demand (one press and hold should wake it up), so I don't see myself using that part.
To clarify, I WILL use this on demand, but will let it be more "automatic" than having to hold the button.