Hey StickyShisha you've been over on the divine tribe's atty's thread, maybe you didn't see our earlier search for a good hose/tubing material to use as a connector to glass globes for the 2.5 atomizer base? I wish you woulda saw that part and sent me here... I'm just stumbling upon this thread after searching the whole wide interwebs for info on what types of hoses are suitable for vaporizers. I seem to have found the most info right here.
My intended use is quite different from most others, not as a whip, but as a semi-rigid yet flexible joint or short connector. I love the DT 2.5 ceramic donut, but I like to connect it to a glass globe before it goes to a hose connected to an elbow then into my rig, I prefer this over connecting the hose directly to the stock mouthpiece. And glass globes and pieces that connect directly to this base are far and between.
Earlier, I was using a piece of PVC I bought from home depot to join the two
and also for smaller hand-held bubbler pieces, which are designed to fit with the smaller, ubiquitous "micro-skillet glass globe" or many other generic names.
Everything was fine and well, and I was sharing this solution over at the divine tribe thread, until our resident forum master OF took a look and advised caution against my choice of materials
over here
Not knowing much about my pvc hose, I looked it up and found it should be good to 170F, even though it is barely touching my vape or being subjected to prolonged direct contact to hot surfaces like a vaporizer whip would be. From what I'm reading here, the arizer whips are a clear pvc similar to what I'm using here?

So shouldn't that be safe?
So fast forward a bit, to an unrelated vape project, I bought the DDave Mod for my arizer extreme Q as well, and it came with some silicon hosing 1/2" ID that worked perfect for my connector piece, and I'm using that now instead.
Although for the smaller upper connections on the globe, I still have PVC. This seems to be working fine and I'm going to get around to procuring some silicon or other hose for those little parts.
However, I'm still wondered what (if any)
harmful crap or
off-gassing I might have been breathing by using the PVC hose for nearly 2 years. What kind of stuff might be released if it was regularly heat-soaked to a modest 80-90F, but was exposed to brief bursts of +/- 400F hot vapor repeatedly?

Does anyone have any info on this or ideas on where I could look this up? I've done some searching and tried to contact USPlastics, but they don't like responding to emails about "aromatherapy" uses