Whip Tubing - All Your Questions Answered!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help got the silicon hose and it works beautifully. Will be used in my self-made Terpcicle or as i refer to it the "Fakecicle". Will post when i do my proof of concept try out.

yes i have a cheap pair of Harbor Freight calipers but for my current needs here they will suffice. I will look into that wand hose you mentioned. What i ended up purchasing tastes awful but then again it was intended for hookah use and that SHT must smell awful & so no one would care. With vapor a clean taste is everything.


Maybe not the oldest, but possibly the fartiest!
I use a GRAV Upline Taster Chillum as a mouthpiece for Volcano hybrid. The whip fits in the end, and you have a filtered mouthpiece made of Boro. I ordered another one yesterday for $11, so they aren't expensive.
Great suggestion.
I've been using this $5 piece from Ali (Rogue Fury Edge glass tube stem 75mm long 3D cooling Stem). It also fits the Utillian 621 and fits the Lobo. It's a bit fragile, so don't drop it! Lots of color options. Also, I think a DynaVap tip will fit as well in a pinch.


Other options I've considered are the POTV Globe Glass and a DynaVap BB3/BB6/BB9 (although the 9 has a carb hole).
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SEARCH for the treasure...
Any thoughts on putting one of these inline in the tubing? I notice the tabletop bong has an inline diffuser in their whip, and this little piece of glass looks interesting.


I believe the actual tubing, and of course length, does most of the cooling. These “twisted” pieces do add overall length, and are mostly seen in very short stems to increase the surface area in a short length. Like my Simrell stems. In this case, it’s probably not needed or very effective, as the tube should do the job, and it’s another item that could break, and needs cleaning…. but cheap enough to try if you want to experiment….
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