At school we had a 'marshall' who's sole job was to ensure you were where you were supposed to be (in class and not pub), you were wearing the correct uniform etc etc.
Bit of a tosspot as he took far too much relish in his job ( or perhaps I was caught too often).
Anyway, he caught a few of us smoking one afternoon, resulting in a £5 fine, and with a pint being 90 pence this was quite a hit on a 17 year old.
He noticed we were smoking roll ups and immediately asked 'you lot smoking ticklers'......
Confused, we assumed he meant weed so made suitable denials. He just laughed as he collected our fines and packs of baccy.....
Still thinking tickler meant weed we continued to use this term, still to today ('got any tickler' is a common greeting/question), giving the man a legacy of some sort.....
A few years later I found out that tickler was a British navy term for loose cut tobacco and with the Marshall being an ex navy man, the penny dropped....
Here comes the history lesson....