Yes, of course, my friend...
because I wanted to know if there is perhaps something not there... which I always promise with my statement "cleanest, purest and best system worldwide"....
whether I can't already offer the possibility that people can even for a few dollars immediately implement a decent comparison with a well thought-out possibility and test it personally.
This was only the prototype, and I'll change the design again so that you can fill it from the top and then close it with a stopper from the top (this makes cleaning and filling possible in less than 10 seconds) (but here you have to crush roughly because whole buds would be too big for this at first (but this problem could easily be avoided with a 20L heater and adapted wonderfully =D).
Of course, I make the whole thing accessible and possible for everyone, because for the reason...
For me, it was and is worth the experience to be able to implement and enjoy this. Such a confection adapter is not expensive, and if I have visitors, I would simply offer this and demonstrate it, so that my friends, acquaintances or relatives (or of course also pain patient colleagues

can get a better picture of it for comparison.
So of course you can compare the steam (and it's a pity you don't live in Germany, because...):
I would get the packaging material transported back again every time for 5.99€. Then I'll just put in my ready-made adapter ( because I don't really need it every day ) ----------------------------------------------------
( And guys I'm really sorry for partly sometimes my behaviour of me.... I'm used to making this system even more perfect and adapting it for 1.5 years, and I'm slowly running out of things to do ( I know that there will be a lot more gimmicks and features and extensions, but they will all be based on the Vaporium system. There can't be anything better, because the system can always be expanded, is completely transparent and you can consciously follow and see every previous process with your eyes, and all components can be easily exchanged (which is not expensive in individual cases, because the individual components don't cost much, and you order something again).
... and that's why I'm so used to it, so natural... so simple... fast... uncomplicated... and here and there...
and I have got so used to this system, and adapted everyday life in such a way that I accept it with an arrogance, because it already makes life so easy for me and I already take it for granted, and in the meantime there is only joy, that I was able to make it more pleasant for Roffa ( he will write a text on making everyday life easier, but I will leave it up to Roffa to decide how far to go into the subject ) and that I was able to really help someone, and that is what we all want for each other ( to be friends, to look ahead and to look up ).
Deswegen wird es mir dann auch eine Ehre sein, wenn ich der USA ein 1 großes Vaporium Paket als Geschenk gegen wollen würde. ( but please decide among yourselves ( because everyone has their own favourites, and people are welcome to introduce themselves to me ) ---------------------------------------
and back to the topic... because then you could try out the confection adapter, and just send it back to me with the package...
6 hours later I am now really well rested and yesterday before I went to sleep I weighed 0.49gr on the material. ( It is... I'll take a quick photo... )
And yes, people, it has become very dark, I tried everything yesterday and am looking forward to when the Conduction-Modul one for the Latastans is ready, because it can be adjusted much more directly then, height as well as quantity with "Dab insert" and I would like to try that out again, but that will still take a while but it will follow! promised,
and if the system is really kept so simple and simple, that people understand it quickly ALL, if they deal only once with this system briefly / deal and it is constantly being expanded and improved. It serves as a basic building block.
The text is getting much longer... now it is 05:22 AM....
That's why it would already be an advantage if people understand it, because with the sales I create the next prototypes, like here for example: Beautiful ball on the filler plug
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or with LED lighting (and water-auto-drying protection), I can present and offer the next innovation in the prototypes, and if there is interest (you never buy the complete package at the beginning, but you customise it with the extensions you need yourself...), I can offer you the next innovation in the prototypes. (one likes to cook more often, the other needs highly crystalline THC) and in this time I can rethink the prototypes, and we can all see where the trend is going. Whether perfect content is enough for us, or whether we absolutely need the terpene aroma full-spectrum distillate in addition.... and so we can help each other for those people who really need it and are offered the possibility here. ( without having to take a chemistry course

And you mustn't forget, I'm here, if there should be anything else, you can talk about it here in an open circle, and we can all work out the best option and possibility together, because you see, there are no limits here, there are completely different dimensions of possibilities, and it's nice to already have a part of it that you can expand and build on. (And honestly, it's a lot of fun for me, friends, because the faces are unique in their expression when you have the Vaporium ready at the table and I can devote myself to the science more with you, which researches the subject of cannabis in every detail, extracts, distils, separates, palliates molecules etc etc etc etc.....
so that you can answer and determine the topic with from home.
Or can you please answer this question for me:
I have 2gr. of BHO how much oil do I have to add MINIMUM to get the maximum yield of decarboxylation? Say:
How many BHO molecules of the 2gr. does it need to bind / attach to MAXIMUM the number of molecules of the sunflower oil without wasting too much sunflower oil...?
( You do not want to mix 10gr. BHO with 300ml of sunflower oil to drink... I don't wish that on anyone.... and it must also hopefully be achievable with less oil.... ) and the Vaporium is also perfect for playing around. (You already have everything there... weed and a scale...) with the Vaporium you can see and do it more sophisticated... )
Think about it... why should the design change?
With the Latastans I can build up in height, as high as the glass and framework will hold....
with the Plus... I can build horizontally in width....
if I position the latastans on the plus... I can also build both... that's why... You already understand what I mean...