a night sleep over it does already times also well

nice how you follow this, alone this with the column and the evaporation potentials describe, how it changed the whole also again fundamentally.
However, the S&B trendiness is unfortunately absolutely no longer contemporary in the economy.
It's anything but professional, the market used to be very manageable, now there's a formal glut of handhelds....
And yes... now that you mention that at S&B about the Al dust as well as industrial disregard on a medical device....
MFLB -> google

"Magic Flight Launch Box"
I find cool! I know such boxes, but find it just nice to be able to watch the material vaping through a viewing window, why were you dissatisfied?
Can it be that with too much weed the glass tube clogged, or then with too little herb no pleasant fitting joy prepared?
Now I had to google grasshopper and sublimator vaporizers:
The Sublimator could thus be equated as with a G43 or Flowerpot? -> I myself am also working on such a line right now.
And the Grasshopper is really your favorite?
I just looked at him, now I know why, you formulate this in the Merzahl

It is really remarkable that you are so convinced of the perfection of the Grasshopper.
You write:" So a transparent approach aiming for purity is really the staple ideal of vaporising as a harm reduction emphasis."
-> ha ha

Because the purity of crystals pure is bad for us....
-> the answer would be yes then here on it, that one can inhale purely theoretically constantly 24/7, without having to cough and vomit practically thereby?
As well as:
"Vaping is just not something that has bests or worsts."
yet... honestly... In terms of cooling ( ice ( gentler on the tonsils in the throat )
and conduction / confection, where we arrive at the topic Tolleranzaufbau & chaotic usage patterns....
from perfection at Grasshoppers, to 24/7 pleasant inhalation to the last paragraph
with the best or worst.
-> I would love to give you a Vaporium for Christmas, as I myself have never sent a package to the USA either until now. ( I will pay you the customs etc. of course ) because I am really interested ( as a fair comparison then without pre-filtering / cooling at the same room air and temperature etc / etc.... ) whether your Grasshopper also so all nuances in the full or partial spectrum can withstand to some extent.
( for me, the filling chamber of the Grasshopper is too small and my taste buds are nowhere near what they were 20 years ago
It would really just be a very simple analog version with round flasks and convection modules 1 + 2 this is already sufficient for the Grashoppers in my opinion.
It would really interest me if I already have such a big flap / face, with the "best Vapo in the world" etc. if you would still recommend me at the Vaporium the Grasshopper to the heart /.
I am so convinced that this device is the non plus Ultimo, and you wrote:
"Even the possession of a single vaporizer is superfluous".
I want to know now! If a device where you can vaporize and make Herion, Meth and DMT

is also better in taste than your weed hoppers. It is only an interest question like between Tesla and Ferrari.
Should you teach me better, that the Grashoppers are more advantageous,
I would like to disassemble them completely, study them and put them in vapolaborium.
If I'm going to tout "the world's best system as the be-all and end-all", I'd like to have and see someone who has no problem testing the vaporium system as a comparison.
I'm not narking it as the be-all and end-all.... just my question: just what should come next from Volcano and Vaporium after that please?
or: what else should come after S&B and vapolaborium
I hope the translation arrived now also honorable and dignified.
I have really nothing badly spoken, and everyone may please know for himself what he tries with it.
I would like to mention that GTA also became famous through "bad" word of mouth.
I'm interested in what people thought they could do with it at that time

But I now believe that this last sentence is misunderstood