You can have any $ in this world.
It's the ego in marketing.
I have built and created something,
that meets my requirements.
-> I share that, but I truly don't care,
if someone can afford a car or vaporizer,
but if someone needs help for it, I'm happy to help.
When I write a few posts before that I am so far done with the project,
you can be sure that I don't care about the dollars, vaporizers etc. as much as I care how the stock. -y bad translation, should mean -> also the stock does not interest me
-> Vapolaborium_To want to tackle the medical certificate thing,
and the rest I share as prestige, immage, ego, marketing ( call it what you want )
-> Preferably today I would have time only for us and together in the lab, on the computer or in the workshop all day to work there.
One more thing:
If you have no addiction problem / also do not inject etc...
You have been through all drugs and you can smoke heroin like cigarettes...
-> I just wanted to get to know a week with it too, and if on day 4.
even smoking becomes so exhausting (even from the beautiful & disgusting taste

that one becomes at all still tight and must puke....
then it's time to also close with it, for last and worst drug of our world:
The everyday and ever-recurring sobriety.
2 policemen controlled me 3 weeks ago with the joint at night on the moped,
asked me to put it out -> and I replied: "then I'll light the next one", and then I drove on in front of them with the joint.
- What should or must I prove there please still in life?
And everybody must have eaten it and tried it, because otherwise you don't need to talk about it, if you lack the awareness for it, and the belief of the others is only as stupid as the belief of the general public itself. And since I know for sure:
Since the drugs are now for me as boring as the vaporizers you hold in your hands,
you notice now this at my view, that you please understanding also for it get.
2 hours ago I put the Starbucks coffee with me to the PC table...
He is still closed, because I am not even a friend of the caffeine ( and everything what goes beyond that also at "Uppern" likewise... ) and ask myself, what would I give me now from everything most in the morning still?
-> preferably to the mango smoothie a few good delicious hits, before I then start with the guys in the day, and improve world of tomorrow with.
This is still the nectar and ambrosia for the little sweetness of life as a start to the day.
Since I also have other concepts for a new drive technology of our cars and motorcycles ( you do not need to think that this will be ready in the next 10 years

even the 2 hours of time I spend here now is just too bad for that.
I wish you all the best,
@Vapolaborium_To will give you some more insights here and there
( he also admins the homepage etc.. )
@thunderstealer1337 alone that you impute to me only a primitive $$$ <- greed for profit,
and others this liken... ( that I have to justify myself again in the personality -> Is finally my face, my name that stands behind it ) I would not even have had a problem with it to send you also test devices with nice greetings from Germany.
But if your comments & problems as well as views only lie with $$$ & marketing,
you are absolutely not the target group I want to address, because that alone will not make me rich.
Maybe one or the other interested enthusiast can be found here.
-> I still have texts prepared for other threads that I wanted to post.
It was really taken away from me here pretty much any joy,
that I really don't have the time to post any more innovation,
or even anything scientific ( which is such a shame because I'm also happy when I find informative suitable in the cloud ( internet ).
Stay healthy friends & all the best!
Vapolaborium - only just my 2 percent

of my life...
P.s.: YMMV-> google.. -> Your Mileage May Vary
Be honest... is nice for everything a "term" and a "phrase" to have, which brings it perhaps sensegemäß on the point though, but absolutely nothing with direct understanding to do