Left the Station outside but the room still smelled like burnt wood, combustion, i use to smoke two years ago this made my stomache quessy
. I think David/Vapman didnt understand my email but it was naybe to simple and i was in shock too”
I just bought a Used Vapman Station and have been using it all afternoon, what a great device! About 10-15 min ago i turned it on went to kitchen and came back to smoke.” He replied “
Great to hear that!
Best regards
Vill 10/A / Vill 10/A
I - 39037 Rodeneck / Rodengo (BZ)
Mwst. Nr. / Part. IVA: IT 03100480213
Website: vapman.com
E-Mail: info@vapman.com”
So i sent the picture. Just wanted them to be aware. Still sad, but its only a device that i had so looking for another

I just bought a Used Vapman Station and have been using it all afternoon, what a great device! About 10-15 min ago i turned it on went to kitchen and came back to smoke.” He replied “
Great to hear that!
Best regards
Vill 10/A / Vill 10/A
I - 39037 Rodeneck / Rodengo (BZ)
Mwst. Nr. / Part. IVA: IT 03100480213
Website: vapman.com
E-Mail: info@vapman.com”
So i sent the picture. Just wanted them to be aware. Still sad, but its only a device that i had so looking for another