Got a reply from support, will most likely send in unit but support disappeared again. Waited almost a week for a reply.
So far
- unit running cool, can't get dark abv, or clouds on max. my friends love the solo more as it hits hotter.. Real bummer hearing that as I spent double the price and some for the evo,
- weird plastic smell
- when I flip unit on sometimes the light stays green and doesn't heat even when I'm moving the dial
-sparks and flashes when I place elb into evo male.
-cracking, popping sounds hear and there when I heat/cool the unit, sometimes when I move the unit too.
The bamboo seems airtight when I plug and blow, but when I turn the unit upside down and shake (trying to see if any abv fell in) little glassy flakes fell out of the evo.. Now I'm definitely worried and so far customer support from vxh been the slowest out of all vape manufacturers I've dealt with. I've given less money to arizer and there support/service is amazing and free of charge.. No admin fee etc...less than 1 week turnaround time And they even gave me free accessories. Andy at epic vape poors his heart out to take care of each of his customers and he is a one man army?!? Bad move on my part from trying to upgrade from a solo to evo. Save your money and time, the solo/e nano is the best for the money. They even feel higher quality (tanks) compared to the evo.. I've spent many months saving to buy the evo and I'm almost speechless at this point.....
Does anyone know if Planetvape will deal with the warranty or if i have to send it back to vapexhale which is terrifying obsurd as that will never happen at Walmart lol. And even more terrifying, emails takes years imagine repairs

I don't know what it is but I caught up 200 pages the last couple days and the impression I'm receiving about vxh isn't as great as id assume.
Here's a photo of what has fallen out of my evo, hard to get a focused shot, but if shook it ontop of the black evo box so u can see easier.