Thx for all the shared order updates. Good to hear packages are shipping and being received. Many are being rewarded for their patience with some great products and prices.
WTF!? murphys law in effect - my evo just died on me. will not power up all of a sudden after many years of use...maybe it's just my time to move on but i don't want to. shit this sucks. can anyone repair evos? probably just a bad power supply. i hope? also have an OG cloud that needs repair lol - FUCK ME!!!
I have a spare Evo with a broken bamboo that I've been keeping for this purpose... In any case, if someone wants to try let me know and work out an inexpensive shipped price. It can still be used, too. It's just cracked right below the grommet so the bamboo can be spun around by hand but the actual device is still useable.
The temp control on my Evo failed a week before they announced that they were closing. Explained why they never responded to my request for repair :/ . Unfortunately I missed any close out units. Any thoughts on repair or replacements, anyone happen to have one for parts I'm willing to frankenstein one together. Or does anyone have any comparable replacements? I really liked the form factor, versatility and all glass air path.
@vapeL0ver &
@mistergyro... Three broken EVOs recently posted, one a broken bamboo EVO with good electronics and two EVOs with broken electronics. Seems something could be worked out for a few people here...
I'm really hoping owners step up and support the community by offering up broken EVO's (if they don't want to fix them). Broken EVOs are already wanted and in demand for parts or repair. And demand for broken EVOs for parts/repair will continue, so I wouldn't be discouraged absent of a quick sale or purchase either. Fwiw, there were a number of small running changes to the EVO over the years, so that can add a wrinkle to repairs and parts replacement.
Enjoying the EVO this weekend again

. Currently some Sour Amnesia in it.
Yesterday I was vaping and I noticed a dark organic ring of residue on the inside of the bamboo, just below where the ELB sits in the 18mm joint. I hadn't noticed it before, and figured out it was residue from dabbing with the open slit on the nail. Below that the bamboo is clean clean and I haven't spilled any concentrates into the bamboo by dabbing too much for a long time (only ever happened twice). I used some 95% ISO and a few Q-Tips, then switched to PBW with hot water and a few Q-Tips to finally clean it all off. The residue was stubborn, but it's now clean clean again

Beyond that minor maintenance, the EVO continues to work pretty flawlessly here. I dabbed some HTFSE in the EVO again last night... amazing flavors & hit like a train

. The stuff on the left.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the EVO.