Thanks man. And yes I am sorry that I cant exactly contribute here as I would like to, same in many threads. But Im okay with it all. I didnt get any hopes up with this one, no anticipation.
I just tried it out when an opportunity laid before me.
And I will come back here! You have noticed that I can't quite keep my arse put of the threads I have no "license" to gatecarsh lol!
I was just thinking to myself how the Elev8r, as much as I dont admire the hot bowl/clip/loading/coil inconvenience, it really has saved my mentality to come put when it did.
It has provided since basically the same level of medication I feel from the other powerful desktops. Im not in love with the loading ritual, but (shit I totally lost my words- just had my first dose of the day, mid bowl)...
Woah my head is gone, Im not kidding this never happens to me this bad during a post from vaping. I lost my point, or wasn't sure of it. But this is actually proving the point- it hits me Hard!
So it has basically provided those effects I seek, but I tolerate it remarkably well, as well as any vape I have tried. After I used the Evo more heavily for a few days, going back to the Elev8r I imeediately was taking enormous hits (by accident) that I never got close to with the Evo in size (technique, temps, loads in play but not to undestimate the hitting potential of the Elev8r),
and it was incredible to not have that allergy type reaction. So clear that my Evo reaction is nothing to do with how big or hard it hits, volume wise I mean. So strange it all is.
But I see now that I may not have coped as well this long, waiting for a more powerful desktop. I love the Evo for what I can tell it would be like for your all without allergies. Its difficult to form a clear subjective impression of these vapes when it is always accompanied by such extreme discomfort. I quickly become conditioned to just not want it.
No appeal, attraction. Like the trillions of my favorite foods, drinks, (drugs?

) I had to give up in 2005. I just cant tease myself and crave the "unhaveable"! Wow that is a super cool word. Why don't I hear that being used more?
So I just mentally let go of what doesn't serve me in this sense. With foods I have total mental strenght and disciplne. Vapes...mmm, not so easy but Im over the Evo so not too hard I guess either.
Right, that's me outta here (for now). Back to the Elev8r and Think Different Sativa. Autos are doing SUPER so far. 3 weeks old going outside tomorrow. Fingers crossed, 9 weeks.
Got my food cooked and ready- organic wholemeal pasta, raw asparagus and carrots with boiled courgette, raw red sauerkraut and peanut butter, coconut oil plus fave spices. Well yummy cant wait!

Have a great weekend all.