It's great that you're getting pointers from your mates. My sense is (and mea culpa if I've misread) that this is pretty intense for you. I can appreciate that; at my age throat and lungs and tummy are very vulnerable to irritation.
I'm still using my first-release EVO, and occasionally my first-release Cloud OG. There are many great things about the Cloud, amongst which is its versatility. A small price one pays for that is there are also many subtleties, particularly with the EVO. With this "connoisseur's vape", the rig, setup, and technique may be extra important.
So . . . be patient with yourself. No one gets all this dialed in quickly. No one. I encourage experimentation. Fwiw, a few data points . . .
Remember that the EVO is analog, and with most units the heat gradation between 12-2 is much wider than it is at the bottom or top of the scale. So the range between 12-2 appears to be significantly greater than, say, between 3-5. Probably most of us stay in that 12-2 range, even more likely 12-1. That seems to be the sweet spot on most of the units (caveat: IDK if the 220v behaves differently). My unit provides the best balance when kept at 1pm; you'll need to find your own point on the dial, or you may use 2 or 3 dial settings depending on other factors (sometimes even in the same session). This can take some time to figure out.
The appearance of the vapor can be quite deceiving. With the smaller chambers on current HT's along with fairly free-flowing perc's, the vapor flow is quite fast and can make one think that the vapor is thin. However, if you pair the EVO with glass that has a much larger can, e.g., my Mobius Ion or even more so the Mobius Micro (50% larger can than the Ion) you will white-wall those pieces and can easily bust your lungs. The user can gather thick vapor in the smaller chambers but IME that may require punching it like Seibo does. Whatever, comfort is the best ref point.
There are EVO users who bong-rip, and no question about it, the EVO keeps hitting like a champ so you won't get ahead of it. If that's your style, cool. That said, a lot of new EVO users initially approach it like conduction vapes or flame setups, and IMHO that slows the discovery process. When the Cloud OG was released users were really big into the digital thing, trying to dial in temps with a precision that isn't really possible and, in the end, can be more of a distraction. IMO with the Cloud it's all about the
experience; the process itself can be enjoyable. The net effect is different too because the vapor is so smooth and clean.
Some never stop experimenting. Bottom line, the EVO, besides being a great vape, can also be a helluva lot of fun. Enjoy.

Thank you so very much for your generous post and brilliant advice. I can relate directly to every single point, as these are the exact thoughts, ideas and perceptions forming in my mind currently, also reflect my general understanding and experience with vaping in general.
It all resonates I cant thank you enough for offering your own wise perspective.
You are so right about vapor visibility deception with certain vapes, rigs and setups. And this Turbine is a prime example. The Evo vapor is also so smooth going in, (and out!) And as I mentioned it doesnt help to first test out a new toy and tools late at night in very dim lighting.
I was also exceptionally tired and have vision and focus problems as well as sensory/perception limitations that vary enormously with conditionl, time etc.
I also was not at all settled in a correct manner. I spend so many hours managong and treating allergies and infections. I had done this all day yeserday and was late evening when I first could vape after first meal (2 meals a day/night).
I was so hungry for meal 2, I need extra time between meals to get vaped enough to go several hours, and time to treat allergies (food, weed) and get vital rest too.
So I didnt have the time or patience to be trying a new vape out. I just needed to get vaped fast. But I am so tired of all my other options atm and couldnt use anyhing else last night.
So it was the totally wrong way to go about it really, and hence it backfired somewhat.
My chest was severly bothered after my late dinner. I know now that I just hit it way too hard as you almost conject. Decieved by the rapid flowing Turbine, dim light and smoothness.
I had to go again before bed. 0.18 load maybe, set at 12 to start I think. Then up to 1. I hit it hard. It was only on the final hits at 1 that I sped up my draw rate and got the whistle!
You have to toke quite fast to keep it whistling but it is very doable.
This way I got much more visible vapor. It seemed like draw rate/tech CAN affect vapor production to some extent, but I cant comment yet.
My chest was very bad overnight and today. I had no way of telling yet if it was from misuse and going way past my comfort level. It takes some time for this type of aggravation to wear off and it is impossible to test fairly until then. I struggled through the night and allergy treatments this morning. Energy very low due to increased breathing difficulty.
I just couldnt wait to vape in the light of day to see what was actually going on and just how hard I was hitting it last night. I started at 11.30 on dial, 0.17 ish load of Durban.
At this temp I took a very long fast whistling hit and blew out a very large cloud. Vapor was very visible in Turbine. I repeated again.
This was also too much I am convinced. I thought the lower temp would cushion an overly large hit, but Im sure I just underestimated the sheer volume and flow of vapor. Just no need for me to inhale rapidly for 20 seconds is there?
I felt the same type of bother, but not as bad. So tried shorter whistling draws at 12. Like 7, 8 seconds. It seemed like a quarter of the time inhaling, so maybe I drew for 25 seconds before.
These short draws were still big clouds. By now my chest was unable to gauge much. I finished at 1 eventually, all vapor gone. Nice tan ABV. Every load so far has been dead even extraction. Not tamped at all.
So conclusion so far- I WAY overhit the Evo last night. Was just starting to recover before trying again earlier. Again too aggressive, but we are stepping in the right direction. All night and morning I was tussling with the belief that the Evo just isnt going to work for me, in which case I would rather just know soon as, not prolong suffereing and move on.
If it comes to that I would simply hope to get money back, having got it so cheap-
@Mushroomturtle its gone up to £400 now.
But hopefully won't be necessary and your advice is perfect to give it some time for experimentation and a more cautious, considered approach.
Taste- I have to say Im not blown away by the flavour. It is very nice, pleasant and smooth. But the Elev8r has just really spoilt me here recently, as by far the best tasting vape I have tried.
But I like the Evo way more. Ease of use is brilliant.
Most of all- I love the EFFECT! Im very impressed with it. If my chest had not been so bothered, and my mind grappling with anxiety, I would have been in heaven with how lovely and wonderful a stoned effect I have had since last night.
So comfortable, deeply relaxing, contenting, very medicinal. But gentle, not weak, full, complete but not harsh or disruptive.
I like it. I will be sad if I cant use it. My Durban load today. I swear this plant has not given such an enjoyable and balanced buzz from that load size.
Whatever happens, this was a punt. I would be sad to not be able to keep it, but I will have the Herborizer very soon. Worst case I have the hassle to sell. Only a hassle to my due to health conditions and no energy or time for anything except essential tasks each day (food, sleep, symptoms, treatments....Vaping my brains out, ahem!

But my hopes are to have 2 very excellent desktops I can use and enjoy. Like 2 CD'S to listen to if you get me. Time will tell.
Thanks again for your wisdom
@oldiebutgoodie have a lovely day over there.