I was more curious to hear more about how it stacked up to the e-nano overall (and I don't know comparatively much about the e-nano), but yeah, I did like how it had some specific accesories to accomodate concentrates (thanks for the new tutorial for the vapexnail t-dub!).
But yeah, please don't say "enail"

. I actually tried to post in this forum about this new vape-ape globe I was looking to try, and battery wise and function wise it was great, but I think I discovered enails aren't for me from it. I called them multiple times inquiring about the burnt rubber fiber-glassy taste, asked about those wicks the coils were wrapped around (I went from a regular sideways tornado thing to a double tornado), and it just never stopped tasting and smelling terrible. I tried pulling the whicks out but that was a disaster and I ruined my nail. Either way, I got the impression I had been inhaling something dangerous like fiberglass for months on end and it discomforts me...so yeah...no enails...