I've not heard of melt-down problems (aside from International). These seem to be corner cases; if it were even remotely common (in N. American units) we would be seeing a helluva lot of posts about it here. Pure speculation, but I've been wondering for some time with the international units whether the problem is not actually in the firmware. That's where the heat regulation is controlled. If it were a matter of a flaw in the sensor or circuit design, ordinarily that would be resolved fairly quickly. Firmware OTOH can be very complex and difficult (and very expensive) to debug.

I felt the same way until I saw that
@Been Vapin is listed as in the USA on his profile.
I'm still confident enough to keep using it and leave it plugged in, I just don't want to leave it running while I'm away...not that I ever did that anyway.
I'd be weary of "preheating" using those belkin remote power jacks or whatever it was people were using. I just think its good practice to be in the same room as a relatively exposed super high power heater. That is before factoring in the VERY slim chance of thermonuclear war happening.
I don't think my cloud is likely to melt down, but TBH I'll probably be using it just for oil soon anyway with my quartz VXN and the tubing kit to hook it up to my rig on the way.