
Well-Known Member

firmware time!

  • change temperature during cruise, '+' & '-' no longer interrupt cruise but change temperature live during cruise
  • set temperature (Tset) automatically displayed on third info line during cruise
  • fire button active, only possibility to deactivate cruise/warmup by single clicking the fire button
  • displaying eco bar instead of cruise bar when eco mode is active
  • no reset of clicks options upon battery change

always happy to get feedback, thank you :)

@funkyjunky thank you for the ability to temperature step in cruise mode.

I will be putting the new firmware through its paces, but it appears to be just what I (and no doubt others) asked for.

Keep up the good work.

This is how it should be, FJ listens and implements good suggestions in quick time.

While others are scratching their head, @funkyjunky is constantly updating our Tubo's.


Well-Known Member
@funkyjunky thank you for the ability to temperature step in cruise mode.

I will be putting the new firmware through its paces, but it appears to be just what I (and no doubt others) asked for.

Keep up the good work.

This is how it should be, FJ listens and implements good suggestions in quick time.

While others are scratching their head, @funkyjunky is constantly updating our Tubo's.

Another happy owner here. I updated to the latest firmware, and after several days of use I can say that it's working great. Not one glitch, and I'm loving the added conveniences.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
I think that the Cuboid 200w and The RX300 are the best choices,if battery life and watts are priority for you too.
One has 3 batteries and slimmer shape ,other one is a sold square brick with 4 batts (Size: 42mm*58mm*81.7mm for rx300) :) and 22.00mm*63.00mm*99.00mm for the Cuboid
Although Wismec 2/3 and RX mini look cool to me too.

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Well-Known Member
Guys can someone give me guidance?

I am a happy tubo owner as most people know but I am struggling to get results with the tubox.

My tubox is being used with my joytech cuboid (it's the 150 I believe), it was previously being used with the project. I flashed to the latest firmware and set my PID to match what my cuboid had listed, and I set my coil to 256 as was written on my tape (though on my tubo it's set at 177). Both have power at 70 watts. When I use my tubo at 440 I get good vapor production, however when I try that with tubox on the cuboid I get little to no production. Can someone help me get this thing set up appropriately so I can go back to cloud city?

I flash my firmware with NToolbox if that matters.

Edit - also I have noticed with both my tubo and tubox that the resistance (although I have it locked in the menu) seems to constantly fluctuate when the button is being pressed. Not sure if that is normal so I though I'd toss it out there.
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ok so the problem is the following:

not all mods measure the resistance to be the same. on my cuboid 200w i have read resistances of about 0.015 ohms lower than on my cuboid 150w.

i advice you and others with cold tuboxes to increase resistance of around 0.010 ohms up to 0.015 ohms (since you have the cuboid 150w that seems to read higher in my experience) and see where you are at. i will have a closer look at different resistance between the mods i have and see if i can come up with a rule.

generally: if your tubo/tubox is running cold, the resistance needs increasing in 'menu>coils>manage>TCR', make sure the lock symbol is behind the number before you leave. go easy on increasing to avoid getting straight into combustion temperatures.

the changing resistance during firing is normal. this number changes with temperature and the goal of the mod is to keep it stable. the way i set up the PID this is only working with airflow.

different batches of coils result in different resistances. they are between 0.16 and 0.3 ohms.

hope this helps.
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Well-Known Member
I was just waiting for someone to post so I could post again without breaking the rules!

Guys, for my device 272 resistance is absolutely where it's at! I can completely milk my Fc-UFO. I've been saying for months that the tubo is like a portable EVO and now the tubo-x joins it! Almost makes me want to adjust my tubo' resistance just a shade but why mess with success?!

The hits at 440 with the tubo-x are borderline crushing. It'll a very dablike experience with flower.

I need to sample some concentrate at 500 with this beast and if that kicks me in the chest like a mule! I'm nervous about using hemp fiber though as I've combusted in it with my EVO before.

Perhaps I need to search for my stainless steel mesh ribbon from @RastaBuddhaTao.

My only regret is that I didn't buy any of @funkyjunky's wpas, I thought my existing 18/18m stems were just fine but I much prefer the way funkyjunky's has his stems and screens set up! I love my long mouthpieces but I primarily use this through water, I dunno what I was thinking!
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Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
@virtualpurple Be careful with OEM stems cause i have one which is a bit longer than usual ,and it kind of meets the tubes before it locks on the joint. If pushed further that would result in breakage . I advise everyone to get FJ bowls too,cause they are also polished on the bowl side, which makes the Tubo easier to remove without unplugging the whole gong.
Btw i ordered the RX300 from a local supply,i should be able to give my first thoughts about the TUBOx on Monday - Tuesday <3 :)


Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
Guys, I realized that after installing the newest FW, my clock has been resetted. Now I'm trying desperately to set it again... No matter what combination I try, I can't seem to save the edited numbers... What kinda button combination would I need to exit the menu while saving it??

Thanks for your help.. maybe this is a glitch on mine?


Well-Known Member
@virtualpurple Be careful with OEM stems cause i have one which is a bit longer than usual ,and it kind of meets the tubes before it locks on the joint. If pushed further that would result in breakage . I advise everyone to get FJ bowls too,cause they are also polished on the bowl side, which makes the Tubo easier to remove without unplugging the whole gong.
Btw i ordered the RX300 from a local supply,i should be able to give my first thoughts about the TUBOx on Monday - Tuesday <3 :)

@Abysmal Vapor There is a very inexpensive solution. Buy a roll of teflon tape and wrap around the joint so it fits higher and therefore, solves this problem.

@funkyjunky I am noticing that with the new firmware I am scorching my medicine even at the same temperature (205 C). Could the Econo setting have something to do with this?

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
thx for the tip @sickmanfraud but i am no fan of teflon :). I would rather use some of my numerous other gongs :).
Try to redial the resistance value again when coils are cold.
Have you installed the update while the coils were still warm ? Once my tubo went out of tune in coil resistance due to installing the update while hot.
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