Well I eventually got around to ordering some vxh elb's to try out in the short rbt stem I use...
They're bigger than I was expecting (that's a first for vape related stuff I think

Bloody hell they're a tight squeeze into that 18mm rbt joint. No way would they be an on-the-go solution for pre loaded loads.
I did try them out anyway and they were ok but definitely need a stir mid way due to the length of the thing holding some of the load so far away from the heat.
However I've found a much better use for them (for me at least, not actually owning an evo), I cut most of the top part off and just made a basket from the bottom part. It looks just like a bigger ver of the basket screen from my nano.
It pushes (open end up) easily through the mouthpiece stem with the handle of a perfectly sized wooden spoon I have, but jams really solid in the 18mm joint, making a nice flat platform for the load.
Expensive but works a treat

you do have to bear in mind that I'm in the uk and getting hold of screens for these things are near impossible without paying as much for postage as I paid for the elbs.
Three weeks using the Tubo as my daily driver now at home and friends (think I've used my supreme a couple of times only and I use my air for dog walks etc) and love it more than ever

. It's performed like a champ - back to back high temp loads, longer lower cruises... it just delivers whatever you ask of it
I'm constantly charging batteries though