Hey... I'm a little late to the "milk your tubo through glass" party here, JaneMary, I think the others have answered your question well, and yes it can, but it depends on alot of factors.
I have here a small klein recycler rig, not a very big capacity, so my relatively low-temp vape goes straight to my chest through this rig, but it does cloud up the piece a little bit before I inhale it.
Not white-walling the rig, maybe, but I think I'm getting some nice clouds for 370F and a lung-challenged user

This vid is already 2 weeks old, I'm getting better with my tubo and could probably show some better work today...
So I'm still loving my "new" tubo, I don't see it getting boring anytime soon. I am one of those wheezy, sensitive throat guys. And with the wide open airflow, powerful convection and reasonable temp control, I think I have more than met my match. This thing will deliver more than I can take, even at 360-365F, when I huff it hard! It will easily make me cough if I test the tubo too hard.

I'm scared to go above 380, 385F is the highest I went.
wow lucas!

That's like 460F! That is hot enough to combust your herbs, and from the look of your flower after those hits, it looks like you were getting a little charring and combustion around the edges of your bowl....
But hey! If you're more healthy than me and you can take that hot vape and big clouds, and that's what makes you happy, go for it! That's demonstrating what the tubo is capable of. Looks like you still had a few good puffs after those 2 in your video, too
Now to blunt all the tubo love for a minute and be fair, and critical:
I may get too lazy to ever give my full tubo review, I'm still learning how best to use this vape anyways
My main complaint / dislike(s) with the tubo so far:
The screen above the glass heaters has an inconvenient curvature around the edges, creating a tight seam or crevice with the edge of the glass. Vaped flowers easily get caught in the space, and are a pain to remove. I use a curved / angled metal pick to get the spent flowers out from this place, and also I sometimes blow through the bottom of the tubo to blow out any old material.
Also, I favor a fine grind on my flowers, and I see alot of flower dust, kiefy specs and fine herb particles have fallen underneath the screen, especially around the middle bulge of the glass joint, and even a few into the glass convection "tubos"

I can see this stuff when I hold the glass half of the tubo up against bright light. This seems like a sealed device; not intended to be opened up and cleaned and dis-assembled by the end-user. This makes it pretty hard to get all that old material out of the airway.
The best idea I have is to blow harder, with
compressed air / co2. I can use large high-pressure co2 canisters at work.
@funkyjunky do you think it's ok to blow this high-pressure gas to clear out some of the junk in my tubo, or do you think that may damage it?