Hey, I've been holding back on my tubo family! Almost 3 months since I last posted on this thread, and there's good stuff going on almost every day.

New firmwares updated and posted, and many new members of "team tubo" Welcome to all the new tubo owners and impatient, VAS-afflicted soon-to-be-tubo'ers.

You will be happy.
IDK how many of these things
@funkyjunky has made so far, and if anyone doesn't love their tubo, they sure don't seem to be complaining about it here.

But from only a couple of people I know of that apparently didn't like or quickly resold their tubos, I think the satisfaction rate is well above 90, 95% for the tubo line
Maybe FJ can tell me how many tubos he has created and sold if that's not top-secret info? (Don't worry I'm not the EU/US/Swiss tax man

That "Great wall of tubos" is an impressive sight

so much convection power stacked up together
all good in tuboland?
In short....
I'm still using my tubo almost every day and loving it, my preferred, go-to vape when I want a flower session that's potent enough to command most, if not all of my attention. My old arizer EQ is nearly obsolete to me now, the tubo is more potent, has more airflow, is quicker to warmup, and can be picked up and walked around with (cut the cord)
I still use my volcano + solid valve when I want a more casual, lazy vape session. Fill up a bag, take a few puffs, do stuff, come back to finish the bag, re-fill, repeat. Not taking my continuous attention like the tubo + glass deserves.
When I want to walk around outside the house and vape, or "vape whilst driving" I still use my crafty, because I don't fear dropping and breaking the crafty the way I fear that with the tubo, made of wood and glass, and because the tubo is "less discrete" than a crafty, plus the tubo is so much more powerful, and almost requires glass + water for me to use, so I'm not huffing on a big hydratube in traffic

(although some are known to do that)
The main reason I wanted to post today is to share my new glass setup with my tubo evic:
let me introduce,
the tubo tree (or the tree of tubo)
It consists of: a dhgate hydratube stand, a custom 3-angle "carb adapter" and a 90* F/F adapter by
@Oregonglassblower, a "sunshinestore" recycler hydratube, FJ's 18mm water tool adapter, some keck clips,
@DDave rimless basket screen, and the original tubo evic, of course
packing the basket screen is my preferred method of feeding flowers to my tubo.
retro-sepia tubo! 
IDK why, but sometimes when I take pics with the camera on my phone, the color balance goes way off and makes these weird pics. (not a filter, not edited

) tubo-delic?
A casual early-evening tubo session in the backyard, while my scraggly, traumatized parsley plant looks on approvingly in the background

Tubos are great for vaping and walking around without the cord. In pre-tubo times, I would occasionally run an extension cord for the arizer EQ outside, but that seems so unnecessary now
And just for context, this is how I was using the tubo with the hydratube stand earlier:
This worked ok, but to "carb" the glass rig, and clear it out in between puffs, I had to remove the glass elbow on the tubo, or remove the silicon tube from the carb adapter. I added an extra 18mm M/F adapter to the end of the silicon tube to make carbing easier, but it was still not an easy, reliable motion. Now with that 90* bent F/F adapter, it is easy and natural to empty the hydratube of vapor and inhale the complete puff before starting the next, which is more satisfying and makes for a more steady convection vapor stream.
Also got some new elbow adapters for using the tubo with my more conventional rigs. Just a nicer, more sturdy adapter than I was using before.
Not great focus on the pic, but you get the idea. To "carb" the glass rig here, the small 14mm slot gets a little sticky and resists being lifted up easily. I already changed this setup to put a 18mm M/F adapter underneath the other elbow, directly into the tubo, to make carbing easier.
These are the 2 main methods I use the tubo, but there are so many ways to use it, your imagination is the only limitation really. Comparing the 2 ways, my new "tree of tubo" is more fun to use, perhaps, and "feels better" in the tactile sense. It's fun and easy to use, carry around, etc. Compared to my little imitation klein recycler rig with the smaller, limited 14mm input, however, the little recycler seems to puff harder and smoother, even with the smaller input.

One is more mobile and fun to hold and touch, the other pulls more vapor and is similarly a joy to use and carb, it's tough to decide which to use for each session
Now...to be fair, and keep it 100%, there's only one main part about the tubo I don't really like, it's how the glass / steel heater and bowl section of the tubo is a sealed unit, which cannot easily be emptied of little flowery bits that inevitably fall past and around the screen?
Since I've found out it's ok to carefully remove the screen by picking at the edge with a metal tool, I make a habit to clean out the old material that falls inside every few weeks or so. This takes several dozen sessions or so to accumulate like this. If you do this, be very careful to not touch the metal heater wires, and be gentle (better yet, avoid touching) on the glass tubes while cleaning. Use the proper skinny tools? Since I will be using my tubo upside-down more now,
inverted, with my new
"tree of tubo", this stuff will build up less quickly. But this is still necessary, periodic tubo maintenance....but speaking of inverted...
Wow that 2 tone might be the best looking yet in my opinion! Great work
I somehow overlooked that 2-tone tubo...nice

I'm wondering what you're waiting for and why you haven't grabbed one of these yet? I see you've picked up a flowerpot, which seems like a very potent, capable system. But from what I can tell, the tubo can come close, if not rival, the flowerpot, all in a much smaller package, and with a battery! Why don't you join us and cut the cord?
Could be a good compliment to the flowerpot? Not too many people have both of those vapes? I think muunch does, is it ok to compare here? (other thread?)
Hey guys, i was just wondering how much does your BOARD temp raises within one or two session ?
This can be monitored by entering edit mode (3 clicks on mine) and changing the line under the resistance to BOARD.
I do notice the draw sensor helps a lot with the "device too hot" msg, which was my one glaring issue. And for the sake of clarity, this would only happen on my SECOND full, joint-packed stem with NO breaks in between. 5 min, cruise to cruise, .25gram full joint-packs. The device does not overheat trying to do a .1g or .2g cruise in 5minutes.
I did not check how hot it gets after only a couple of minutes, but after my typical session of several bowls in the course of an hour or so, maybe 3 or 4 1/8 of a gram-sized elbow packs in 40-50 minutes or so?
The highest I've seen the board read is
134*F, just short of the 70*C cutoff? My tubo has never given me the "device too hot" message. Perhaps because I take short breaks, mid-cruise, between big puffs to catch my breath and hydrate, and to enjoy those clouds and let it all soak in, and with moderate temps around 380F, that helps my tubo never reach that critical heat point?
Be careful with OEM stems cause i have one which is a bit longer than usual ,and it kind of meets the tubes before it locks on the joint. If pushed further that would result in breakage . I advise everyone to get FJ bowls too,cause they are also polished on the bowl side, which makes the Tubo easier to remove without unplugging the whole gong.
FYI, there are two kinds of tapered male glass joints for 14 & 18mm size...full length and short length tapered male joints. The space in the tubo's female joint between the 18mm glass and the heaters / screen on the bottom is too small and tight, so a full-length tapered male 18mm joint won't fit in all the way in there, and will contact / grind the bottom. So let's only use those short 18mm males in our tubo's. If you ask your glassblower, they can make custom adapters and stems with short or long tapers to your request
Haha i tried to see how many watts can i make it draw.. My record is 222w and i dont think i could have inhaled any harder, i even had to empty my WP cause with it i had it at 160w max.

Whoa! That's some serious huffing!

The most wattage I've ever made my tubo pull during use, (not initial warm-up) that I've seen, is about 40-50w, through water (which dampens the airflow) but 160, 220w on the tubo-x...damn