thanks for the feedback guys! stems things are progressing! if all goes according to plan i can also ship them out cheaper since they fit an envelope of maximum 2cm thickness, so we got that going for us, which is great 
protruding glass lengths and bends can be chosen no problem.
does your tubo work ok when you set the resistance you are used to?
have a good week everyone!

protruding glass lengths and bends can be chosen no problem.
mhm it sounds like your connection from heater to evic is not superb. too low resistance does not make sense in this case tho. does it always autoreset the coil resistance with those numbers? its normal that they are higher, but yours are borderline imo. i already planned for making the firmware resistance reset a bit less aggressive as this can also happen once initially when frozen from the plane ride (tubos not working as expected out of the box).@funkyjunky, in reply;
please check in 'menu>coils>manage' that Check is set to 'No'.
Confirmed it is set to “No”.
do you have your tubo in a very cold place?
No, it’s indoors, at 70F. Also, just to be clear, it’s the Dual. My OG Tubo is fine.
the resistance change from my recommended one is indeed a bit high. if it gets worse over time i will have to look over it, that would point to a connection being lose. what resistance does it change to after reinserting the battery?
Pulled the battery 4 times, and got; .386, .387, .405, and .403. Previously, it’s dropped too low to produce heat, but lately just the high numbers.
And, I’d love to try the wood stem and capsules. Very cool. Would it be possible to produce that type of stem without the glass protruding, as an option? That would make the Tubo much more portable, IMO, and I’d definitely order both.
does your tubo work ok when you set the resistance you are used to?
does this happen with a single bowl? high temps? strong draws? prolonged session? then yes, that can happen. you can try lowering max watts (4 click firebutton, '-' until at line PWR, '+' to start changing numbers then '-' to lets say 50-60watts). this should keep the chip a bit cooler.I usually get a device too hot warning whenever I use the whip or shinny mp, is this something I just have to live with or is there some tweaking of a setting that can alleviate this?
have a good week everyone!