Figure this is a good time to post pics of my dual I've been slacking on taking. Been waiting for natural light pics but yea yea super busy during day and every time I'm free it's shitty out.
Works wonderfully - that mouthpiece is my daily, and lately I've been joint packing instead of using the capsules.
That amazon camera case I mentioned fits my dual, one of each type of jyarz (idk about satchmo+grinder but will see shortly... however that may give up smell!), a vapcap or 2 (I can get my 98mm stem to fit... and actually both of my other ones, so 3 vapcaps!) and a torch lighter (or 2), and a doobtube for abv. Also can fit a spare film canister with actual film, so if I'm walking and have the pack, and my camera around my shoulder it won't be terribly impractical just to look normal either! haha
Only bad news is that lil bit of birch fell off cos I poked it w a usb charger n slight pressure damage it seems (birch pretty soft I guess) right around the button

I've been thinking about maybe painting this one myself a lil custom dealie so no biggie, but will see.
Anyway, tubo still my favorite. That lil case fits all my necessary EDC vapes and plenty of stash so that's why I'm psyched on it. I haven't actually measured, but if I was to guess, I get 6ish full stempacks (.15 maybe each) from a full set. Been using VTC6s but just switched to 30Qs.
I'll try to remember to test and get nice pictures sometime
edit: anyone notice that the usb port + button area looks kinda like a lil happy dude?