TinyMight / TM 2

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Is one of these stems a good one?
I used the Rocket stem, the one on the far right with the beads. The cooling effect is enormous, the stem is very large and broke when I was cleaning it (my fault)

Not sure if I said it here, but I would strongly suggest not using that stem since it has soft glass beads with holes through them...


TM2 Rookie

Sorry for my late reply. I missed your comment earlier. Thank you for taking the time to respond and for your care.

We haven’t made any changes to the top screw; the wooden body has the same dimension hole as before, and we’re still using the same screw. Typically, a 4 mm tool should fit through without any issues.
Thanks for the clarification, that’s helpful. Most T20 tools are too wide to fit, but the Draper 34266 T20 should fit.

That said, we generally don’t recommend disassembling the device unless it’s absolutely necessary or you’ve been instructed to do so by Tinymight Support. While the device looks straightforward, a lot can go wrong during the first disassembly if you’re not experienced.
Maybe that wasn’t the best idea. Sometimes I have moments like that. I’m sorry about it, but there’s nothing I can do to change it now.

I understand that, and I didn’t intend to fully disassemble it. I just wanted to check if the T20 tool would fit if needed. To do this, I carefully removed the bottom screw and took off the bottom plate. No additional tools were required—it came off easily.

At this stage, I realized the diameter of the T20 tool stem was too thick to fit through the TM circuit board. I then carefully put the bottom plate back in place and reattached the bottom screw, tightening it gently. I also ensured that the knob and the small rubber piece were correctly positioned.

Is there anything else I should have taken into account? If there’s something specific I should be careful about, please let me know via DM if it’s not something to share publicly.

We receive quite a few units for repair that have been damaged in the process of being opened and put back together, which is always unfortunate for both the owner and us. If you think your unit might need to be taken apart, it’s best to contact our support team first for authorization and step-by-step instructions. That way, if something does go wrong, it won’t affect your warranty.
I agree with you. That would be the best approach. I contacted the support team a week ago but haven’t received a response yet. However, with the holiday season, I understand it might take longer than usual to get an answer.

What the hell... why did you open the TM unnecessarily???
Well... It's just their 4th post here... and I bet it was for you...
here's the manufacturer's explanation for not doing it
I just wanted to check if the T20 tool would fit if needed. Maybe that wasn’t the best idea. Sometimes I have moments like that. I’m sorry about it, but there’s nothing I can do to change it now. Mistakes are the stepping stones to better choices.

Now you have clear skies... at least in your Avatar
Yes, everything became much clearer. The advice and suggestions here have been incredibly helpful in resolving my issues and improving my results with the TM2. I’m now really happy with the device.

While I’m not entirely sure that the temperature behavior is exactly as intended, the overall improvement in results and usability has been significant. I’m also unsure if it’s normal to have to take two long, empty draws before the third draw starts generating real vapor.

Key changes that made a difference:
  • Session Mode → On Demand Mode: The device doesn’t get as hot anymore, and the battery lasts much longer.
  • Capsules with lid No capsules: Vapor production and airflow is much better, and it’s easier to use.

Not sure if I said it here, but I would strongly suggest not using that stem since it has soft glass beads with holes through them...
Thank you for sharing your experience with this particular stem. That’s very helpful to know.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
just wanted to check if the T20 tool would fit if needed. Maybe that wasn’t the best idea. Sometimes I have moments like that. I’m sorry about it, but there’s nothing I can do to change it now. Mistakes are the stepping stones to better choices.
I’m also unsure if it’s normal to have to take two long, empty draws before the third draw starts generating real vapor.
this is definitely not how TM works...
do you wait for the buzz before starting the hit??
It shouldn't. I would suggest trying hitting it harder (increasing your draw speed/strength).
That's probably what you need to work on. How many greens do you put in and how do you do it?
With TM less is more
I get 5/6 hits or less until the greens are gone
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TM2 Rookie
It shouldn't.

this is definitely not how TM works...

As others have pointed out, this is not normal at all.
I also think that is not the intended behaviour.

I suspect you have it packed too tightly still.

That's probably what you need to work on. How many greens do you put in and how do you do it?
With TM less is more
I get 5/6 hits or less until the greens are gone
Yes, it’s possible that the grind size isn’t optimal or that it’s still packed too tightly.

At the moment, I’m using the long stem with the glass beads. I grind it medium, with about 60% humidity, and fill it, tamp it, using the straw method shown in the TM video. Starting at level 4.

do you wait for the buzz before starting the hit??

For sure.

I start the TM with a triple click. Lights are flashing. Then, I hold the button down, wait for the buzz, and begin drawing. I only release the button once I’ve finished my draw.
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TM2 Rookie
This one is hard to beat, top cooling, great flavor, only hard to clean if dust gets sucked in, but filters fine stuff too.
I like it too, especially since I dropped the normal one and waiting for the replacement.
Every morning, I soak it in ISO, rinse it with boiling water, and let it dry.
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FAT X - Ruby Twist - TM2 - 20M w/ Wand
I start the TM with a triple click. Lights are flashing. Then, I hold the button down, wait for the buzz, and begin drawing. I only release the button once I’ve finished my draw.

I've had the 1 for a while before and now the 2 since July of '22, I think?

I grind with a medium plate on my Brilliant Cut Grinder. I load my stem by dipping it into the ground flower and wiping away the excess with my finger and swiping to make sure there's a slight indent at the bottom of the bowl. I pop the stem in my TM2, make sure my dial is at 5-6, click 3x, hold the button down til it vibrates, wait about 5 more seconds to heat soak, then I take a long, slow draw til my lungs feel like they're gonna explode. Repeat 2 more times without the 5 sec heat soak til it doesn't taste amazing anymore (no longer fresh/terpy). Turn dial to 8. Repeat one more time to get my money's worth (THC vapes off at higher temp). Pull out stem, dump ABV in debowler or over porch rail.


Well-Known Member
Hi there, what's the best liquid to clean the external parts of tinymight 2(wood+metal)?
Can i use something to remove the signs/dark spots on the metal parts or at least make it more lucid?


Active Member
I don't have such spots on the TM2, but on the TM OG (but I think it's oxidized aluminium), iso didn't help, will try a soft toothbrush soon. Pictures to assess the type of stains would be good.

First i would try a soft cloth with a little iso (99%) in case dish soap (only humid) doesn't help.
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Well-Known Member
So far so good, or, rather, great with my PH! The same goes for their customer service. You should be enjoying it soon enough! :tup:
Are you sure?
When my tm1 broke it was an excellent service.
Nowadays the button on the tm2 has stopped working, they insist that the customer uploads a video. I wonder what they want the customer to show? obviously the problem is inside....


Well-Known Member
Are you sure?
When my tm1 broke it was an excellent service.
Nowadays the button on the tm2 has stopped working, they insist that the customer uploads a video. I wonder what they want the customer to show? obviously the problem is inside....
When I’ve reached out to them, they were very responsive with information and/or assistance, and each time in a timely manner. I do really appreciate that!

Regarding your understandable concern, I can only guess they want to see what the button problem looks like, maybe to determine whether your unit should go back to Finland or maybe somewhere closer to you for a repair…? But, again, that is just me trying to guess. One suggestion I have is if you would like more clarity from them about what they are looking for, you could contact them and ask about it.

Either way, I hope you get your TM2 back into working order as soon as possible! It’s a wonderful device!


Just another traveller in the Cannaverse
A couple of weeks ago I got new batteries and also tweaked the heat settings upwards.

I jokingly said I had binned the old batteries. Not. I pulled them out and they are back in rotation as they weren’t the problem.

I’m okay with where it is now. In fact I love the vaporizer and I’m confident that if anything does happen they will take care of it. I’ve had excellent experiences with their customer support.

I’ve landed on the XL Rocket Stem as my go to DD. Luckily I have 2 so one is always clean. I put a screen in which makes cleaning easy.

I get huge rips temp stepping taking one draw each at 6, 7, and 8 and finish it off at 9. The cooling/draw restriction on the Rocket produces more and tastier vapor than any others I’ve tried.


Well-Known Member
A couple of weeks ago I got new batteries and also tweaked the heat settings upwards.

I jokingly said I had binned the old batteries. Not. I pulled them out and they are back in rotation as they weren’t the problem.

I’m okay with where it is now. In fact I love the vaporizer and I’m confident that if anything does happen they will take care of it. I’ve had excellent experiences with their customer support.

I’ve landed on the XL Rocket Stem as my go to DD. Luckily I have 2 so one is always clean. I put a screen in which makes cleaning easy.

I get huge rips temp stepping taking one draw each at 6, 7, and 8 and finish it off at 9. The cooling/draw restriction on the Rocket produces more and tastier vapor than any others I’ve tried.
I have tried many stems with the TM and do enjoy a change but i always gravitate back to the short stock stem and cooling unit for some reason!


Putin is a War Criminal
If I'm not using it on a glass piece, usually with water, I am nearly always using it with a J Hook. I have old lungs that need cooling of the vapor.
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