TinyMight / TM 2

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
What temp seeing did you try ? Did you try on demand "beast mode" (temp 10) ?
Putting you hash in degumed hemp fiber works quite well but you also taste the hemp fiber IME.
Not sure, but I think @Razhumikin knows how to properly vape hash in every tipe of vape and may shime in ?

I've tried all temperatures from 170°C, including on demand "beast mode", with or without hemp fiber. I think the difficulty comes from the TM2's convection, which is very effective for weed and less so for traditional hash (which requires more conduction to produce a thicker vapor).
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Well-Known Member
<Random Thought> For science, of course, I switched my BCG medium-grind plate out for my large plate last week. I've noticed it seems to create less trichome dust in my grind jar, and I'm assuming that means more of them are staying put on the flower. It's also kept the basket screens noticeably cleaner, but the honey build up in my cooling ball stems seems to remain consistent. Flavor seems close, maybe slightly better.

Also experimenting with a new technique that I'm enjoying. I start at 5.5 on demand, and give it one 3 second good pull then dial it down to 3 and enjoy normal 7-10 second draws until it's time to step it up again. I usually end up around 6.5. Very enjoyable new ritual.


Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)

Not sure why it did not quote the rest of your post here haha maybe I only highlighted one word by accident? Anyway yeah Solo3 makes more sense because of the hybrid heating, like BAK with all its conduction focus, better specifically for hash use compared to pure convection like TM (although it is possible it is not as effective or efficient in my experience)

Not sure, but I think @Razhumikin knows how to properly vape hash in every tipe of vape and may shime in ?

Unfortunately he does not have a TM!


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker

Love this combo with the wpa. It's already been said, but what an accessory, it brings a real plus to this TM!


Well-Known Member
I've tried it on the screen with or without stirring, in small or large quantities, in a ball in a soft screen, sandwiched in weed, spread on screens and then rolled on itself. The result is a thin vapor.. Are there any other techniques ?

Is it possible that we're not talking about the same style of hash so that yours literally disappears? Traditional hash contains vegetable matter that forms a hard, dark substance once vaporization is complete.

The solo3 and its powerful heating has been recommended to me and several users describe good operation with the hash. I'd like to give it a try, as I did with the TM2.
Sad it wont work for you?!
We talk about the same hash. I have great vapour with dry crumbly hash like "pollen" or sticky black afgahn style. When finished I only have tiny very dark dust left in the wool center that comes from scroched plant matter I guess.

I use vape wool and make a sandwich or filled ball. When sticky I really rub the hash into the fiber as good as posible heat up and vape. Second to third draw is thick vapour.
When rather dry and coarse I load the stem heat up and take one - two draws, take out the hash / fiber sandwich and crush it to rub the hash into the wool and put it back in and vape. Once the hash is diluted or spread into the wool you can just vape like always, turn around and stir your wool then and now.
I've tried all temperatures from 170°C, including on demand "beast mode", with or without hemp fiber. I think the difficulty comes from the TM2's convection, which is very effective for weed and less so for traditional hash (which requires more conduction to produce a thicker vapor).
For me the crucial part is to get the hash into the wool in order to create a big enough surface for the heat as soon this is done I can do hash in the the TM2 on level 5-6 and have thick clouds with great hash taste. Maybe this wil help you a little bit enjoy hash in the TM.
I think there is somewhere a whole tread about vaping hash where something similiar is discussed.
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olysh pops

Well-Known Member
Sad it wont work for you?!
We talk about the same hash. I have great vapour with dry crumbly hash like "pollen" or sticky black afgahn style. When finished I only have tiny very dark dust left in the wool center that comes from scroched plant matter I guess.

I use vape wool and make a sandwich or filled ball. When sticky I really rub the hash into the fiber as good as posible heat up and vape. Second to third draw is thick vapour.
When rather dry and coarse I load the stem heat up and take one - two draws, take out the hash / fiber sandwich and crush it to rub the hash into the wool and put it back in and vape. Once the hash is diluted or spread into the wool you can just vape like always, turn around and stir your wool then and now.

For me the crucial part is to get the hash into the wool in order to create a big enough surface for the heat as soon this is done I can do hash in the the TM2 on level 5-6 and have thick clouds with great hash taste. Maybe this wil help you a little bit enjoy hash in the TM.
I think there is somewhere a whole tread about vaping hash where something similiar is discussed.

Thank you for taking the time to share your techniques adapted to traditional hash with the TM.

Even if it's possible to vaporize hash with the TM following your technique, I'd like to turn to a vape that works simply with hash like the Bakx, Vapman, Steamwhistle, Terpcicle, Starry and maybe the Solo3 ?

About the thread that talks about vaporizing hash, maybe it is "Best way to vape hash/kief" which is full of resources on the subject?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for taking the time to share your techniques adapted to traditional hash with the TM.

Even if it's possible to vaporize hash with the TM following your technique, I'd like to turn to a vape that works simply with hash like the Bakx, Vapman, Steamwhistle, Terpcicle, Starry and maybe the Solo3 ?

About the thread that talks about vaporizing hash, maybe it is "Best way to vape hash/kief" which is full of resources on the subject?
You welcome mate! And yes you are true to enjoy hash in the TM2 proper there is always a bit extra work needed, you get sticky fingers and so on...
But the vapour and taste is great IMO. Hope you find a vaporizer that fulfils your needs 100%!

Yes that's the thread I had in mind although not solely about the TM :)


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
@olysh pops My tm works perfect for hash, all kinds. I use vape wool/hemp fiber. Put a chunk in the middle. One medium long puff on level 3 to heat it up. Then i stir with my wooden poker so the hash melts into the fiber, I do this in the stem don't need to take it out. After that it is ready to vape normally.

I think it is important to stir the melted hash so that you can get all the vape

...to enjoy hash in the TM2 proper there is always a bit extra work needed, you get sticky fingers and so on...
I use my wooden poker, no sticky fingers!
But the vapour and taste is great IMO
Agree, wonderful

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
@olysh pops My tm works perfect for hash, all kinds. I use vape wool/hemp fiber. Put a chunk in the middle. One medium long puff on level 3 to heat it up. Then i stir with my wooden poker so the hash melts into the fiber, I do this in the stem don't need to take it out. After that it is ready to vape normally.

I think it is important to stir the melted hash so that you can get all the vape

I use my wooden poker, no sticky fingers!

Agree, wonderful
Thank you for trying to help me and for sharing your technique with the vape wool. I've tried a lot of techniques with results I'm not very happy with. I believe there are vaporizers more suited to traditional hash, with similar or better results, especially conduction vaporizers like the Vaponic or Quartz Cap. I made the decision to sell my TM2 with the price suggestion made by @Rodney .
Thanks again !


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
Thank you for trying to help me and for sharing your technique with the vape wool. I've tried a lot of techniques with results I'm not very happy with. I believe there are vaporizers more suited to traditional hash, with similar or better results, especially conduction vaporizers like the Vaponic or Quartz Cap. I made the decision to sell my TM2 with the price suggestion made by @Rodney .
Thanks again !
I just read what you wrote before, sorry! Now I understand you're not happy with the tinymight. Yea it's not a bad idea to sell then and find something different that works better and easier!


Well-Known Member
All this talk about hash me craving for hash so I tried hash with the Tinymight Bowl I recently ordered.

Did a vape wool hash sandwich using crumbly almost yellow dry sift. Loaded up the bowl, set the TM2 to 8, using a small sidewinder recycler bubbler.
I got vapour after a few seconds without warming up and stirring first. Took me three draws to finish the whole bowl with turning around the sandwich and stirring between each draw. Coughed hard after every draw like a beginner and got pretty high - would recommend this match made in heaven :D


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
I've actually used only hash with my tm past few months, really tasty but mostly because tm is too harsh for my throat with greens (I don't have a good cooling stem) Also plus points for being more stealthy, smell is much less obvious.

But I gotta give thanks to @Razhumikin who taught me how simple it is to vape hash. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Since the TM2 strong heater is very demanding on the batteries, I'm sure a lot of users have a bunch of discarded batteries around, that can not deliver the necessary power anymore but still hold decent capacity. What do you guys do with those leftover batteries?

I'm thinking on buying one of those cheap power bank kits where the only thing missing are the batteries as a way of "recycling" the TM2 discarded batteries. Anyone has tried this? How did it work?


Well-Known Member
Since the TM2 strong heater is very demanding on the batteries, I'm sure a lot of users have a bunch of discarded batteries around, that can not deliver the necessary power anymore but still hold decent capacity. What do you guys do with those leftover batteries?

I'm thinking on buying one of those cheap power bank kits where the only thing missing are the batteries as a way of "recycling" the TM2 discarded batteries. Anyone has tried this? How did it work?

This is a really good idea if you can get a power bank that you could set to the right voltage etc for the TM2 and daisy chain the old batteries using them like one battery.

I only got my TM2 late last year so not got any old batteries myself yet but would be interested hearing more about this.

Like I know we could just throw the old batteries out and get new ones but this is a nice idea and for future reference in case the world goes to war and we need every last bit of energy we can get to get a few hits from our vapes :D
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Well-Known Member
This is a really good idea if you can get a power bank that you could set to the right voltage etc for the TM2 and daisy chain the old batteries using them like one battery.

I only got my TM2 late last year so not got any old batteries myself yet but would be interested hearing more about this.

Like I know we could just throw the old batteries out and get new ones but this is a nice idea and for future reference in case the world goes to war and we need every last bit of energy we can get to get a few hits from our vapes :D
Well, the idea is still to get new batteries for the TM2, but instead of throwing the old ones, use them for something else, in this case a power bank. With something like this (there many many different models to choose). You can use this power bank with anything, it would be a normal power bank for all intended purposes.

And yes, you could use this power bank with the TM2, like any other power bank, but I honestly prefer to have spare batteries and just change them. Having a cable hanging from the vape while using it is annoying.


Well-Known Member
I use this with depleted batts for porta charging, phones, vapes, bluetooth speakers,, cheap and effective, https://www.18650batterystore.com/products/xtar-pbs2-red p.s. aval on amazon
also killer sale on p28a's $3.55, https://www.18650batterystore.com/products/molicel-p28a
IMHO it's not really worth it because you end up with really big and heavy powerbank with at best 5600 mAh capacity, which is nowadays only 1 smartphone charge.
I agree it's certainly still better to use those 18650 than throwing them though.


cantre member
similar size to most phone power banks, it's also my charger at home or on the go plugged into the dash, still worth the $$ without the powerbank feature, can always put some 21700 in there if you want more.
sorry don't mean to derail the thread.
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Well-Known Member
similar size to most phone power banks, it's also my charger at home or on the go plugged into the dash, still worth the $$ without the powerbank feature, can always put some 21700 in there if you want more.
sorry don't mean to derail the thread.
I have it too. It is my travel battery charger, but for re-using old batteries I prefer the power bank kits. The xmax charger is held by magnets and tend to open, while the others close well, plus they are cheaper.

But glad to know you've tried it and the batteries still work well as a power bank. Thanks for confirming.

imor jones

Well-Known Member
I have this xtar charger/powerbank as well. Now, that with usb c. The older one which i have since years with micro usb.
I also use it as travel-charger and powerbank.
The best usage is on my bike travels. Here i charge my 18650 (tm batteries/topic;)) via solarpanel in this xtar charger. With the new one u even see with which current the solarpanel is charging the batteries
Also thought several times about the larger battery holders/charger
Sorry, i guess we are pretty offtopic
imor jones,


cantre member
on this note; anybody use their tm plugged in when the batt gets low to keep it performing? I was not liking how much wear the battery cap threads were getting with heavy use/lots of swapping.
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