Well-Known Member
I am not an experienced TM user but I have used quite a lot of vaporizers over the years, look at the B1, it has a chamber filled with 3mm rubies (way smaller and with less space between them compared to the glass balls that come with the stem) and two grids that are tighter than the basket screens of the TM, and the airflow is very good and not restrictive.Is this glass ball stem not super restrictive? Just noticed it has an in build glass screen. These things are atrocious for ruining airflow in my experience.
Anyone who is an experienced TM user have opinions on it?
The airflow with the glass stem with balls is very good (short stem with cooling unit is more restrictive), even with added 3mm rubies in between the spaces and using it heavily for a week, there is a lot of reclaim in there it is a little more restrictive than clean but still quite free.
I don't think these basket screens are bad for airflow, unless they get dirty.

I actually ordered more 3mm rubies because the added cooling is insane.