I got the second TM (not TM2) they shipped a few days ago and it’s been a lot of fun getting to know each other, holy moly!

I prefer the vapor through my 2-pill high artisan stem to the stock stem/cooling unit so far and I haven’t even tried the 508phineas vigreux stem yet. I experimented for the sake of science and I’m happy to confirm the data from other researchers out there, the TinyMight really is great for vaporising hash wrapped in rayon (or whatever ya got).
The tentative plan is to enjoy the honeymoon and in a few months, if the members here are somehow successful in selling me on the sexy new model, I’ll pass this to my eldest and scoop a TM2. I think walnut can be a really beautiful species and it seems they’re selecting some nice blanks for the bodies. I can hardly wait to see more pictures here of units in the wild!
Tbh I probably coulda shoulda done a more thorough series of burn-off after the first cleaning. I’ve nearly died on seven occassions in my life so far (really surprised the doctors on a couple of those), so now I’m feeling pretty stupid about not doing better. In my defence, it‘s been
ages since I’ve bought a battery-powered portable plus I was so excited on its arrival that I acted like a child and rushed the initial pregame. I’m fairly certain that I’ll be okay though, besides my warranty on this body was voided 35 years ago so it’s not like I can ask to speak to a manager.
Imho everyone should occasionally give their TM or TM2 some lovin’ with a tiny amount of beeswax/mineral oil mixture, which is basically all the TM wax, DV wax, Ed’s Bombass Butter or any of the other wood waxes are. Especially the walnut body will deepen and the grain become more beautiful over time. I guess I will even though it’s wearing a lovely leather jacket at the moment.