Less soul, more mind
If they can do it (and their devices sell out relatively quickly), why can't this manufacturer?
What boggles my mind is: how can you expect to receive an answer to this question *here*?
If they can do it (and their devices sell out relatively quickly), why can't this manufacturer?
It was rhetorical.What boggles my mind is: how can you expect to receive an answer to this question *here*?
We know a number of people are. You just have to read this thread.Ah, okay. And do we know exactly that everyone is having the same cs experience?
Just a rhetorical question.
Where have I said that ever?...and yet we can't do much about it but accept things as they are now. But it seems to me that that's not enough for some, they want everyone to agree that the cs is piss poor and the maker doesn't care. And whoever does not agree with that mindset is a fanboy defending the maker.
Where have I said that ever?
Why is your experience any more valid than his?I didn't say you did, I was summarizing the discussion that is circling for a few weeks now, and you took part in that discussion by asking rhetorical questions. What I see is that almost everyone is clinging to their theory what exactly is going wrong, while attempts to console and help by referring to ones own personal cs experience and asking for patience (which is in fact all we can do here) is totally useless. This is still a very young company. There's still this crisis going on which even makes big companies like S+B having a hard time providing the service they usually provide. I'm sure the PayPal thingy is still not quite done. And yes, it is frustrating. But things seem to change back, slowly, maybe even too slow for your case, but they do.
Why is your experience any more valid than his?
...and yet we can't do much about it but accept things as they are now. But it seems to me that that's not enough for some, they want everyone to agree that the cs is piss poor and the maker doesn't care. And whoever does not agree with that mindset is a fanboy defending the maker.
Hey! Watch what you say. I resemble that remark!
The guy’s a fucking genius, but like some of us, there is a backlog of unpleasant things
To attempt to accomplish. Leading to poor, or no CS.
One may be brilliant in achievement, but piss poor in business management.![]()
I generally use an external charger for my 18650s and have several charged at any given time. If I WAS charging them inside the device I would likely use something like this. I use these cables on my cellphone, my tablet and on an earpiece that needs charging often. I think this particular model is being discontinued, but there are others from this company and some competitors. I had to replace a USB port on a phone that was reasonably new once, and that led me to this solution.I recommend charging externally mostly for the sake of having fresh juice at any point (who wants to experience an empty battery in mid session?) and because the usb port will be worn out in the long run by permanently plugging and unplugging it (I had a few cell phones that would still be alive if it wasn't for their usb ports). I want to preserve that port for emergency charging.
Hahahahaha, this is why the topic keeps coming up in this thread. We need a sticky or something.Has anyone with a heating issue been able to find a fix or get their unit repaid yet?
Has anyone with a heating issue been able to find a fix or get their unit repaid yet?
I don't know guys, I have almost 8 months of perfect everything works . no performance degradation. everything is perfect. I use it every day .100% extraction for 2 heavy hits easy.
of the more than 2 thousand ordered models, some were caught with a defect, it's okay, but it's annoying when you got a device with a defect. I'm sure he'll fix everything for you.
I know that he would do better if he had at least a few people to help him and someone to answer customer emails. there are many more happy tm owners here . therefore, we will support each other and share experiences , not out of anger . everything will be alright
Please share your solution if you get it resolved, I have the same issue. Although it always work, there are days where it's anemic and others where it's at full power. It's currently at the anemic stage this past weekend but I know in a few days it'll be fine again. It's a bit annoying not knowing what my experience will be like prior to each session.This weekend I found an issue with 1 of my 3 TM's. This one is the first one I got after it's release and has the heating issue possibly others are experiencing.
The heater acts like it's not getting full power from the battery. I tried a few diff cells as I use 3 diff types in the TMs. One thing I noticed when changing out cells......the first heat cycle/draw would be normal and the following heating's would be at a much lower heat/power.
So it acted like it is a software issue? Not sure it is a physical or mechanical issue......I messed around loosening up the base and re-seatting the board/heater and did not find any improvements.
I would luv to be able to reset the firmware to see if this is the issue others might be experiencing.
my tinymight was shipped on Sat and arrived today labor day holiday
from ohio to cali in 1 day, on a foooqn holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!
all people who have any defects should get answers and they will get them . I'm sure it's only a matter of time. and of course I understand all those who faced this problem . but I am also confident that everything will be resolved .I dont think people are mad because of the defect, but getting one with a defect and then having CS ignore you for 2 months, that angers pretty much everyone.
So no, not everything will be alright if they dont get responses, its as simple at that.