Already got used to the button, i agree its not ergonomic, 1st i used the palm to trigger it but the pinky won the battle, i started to rotate 180º the "decision" to flip it is directly related to the trigger be facing the front, i own a Crafty so i agree with
@Stu on the fatter end displacement of the trigger.
But to me the best position to place the trigger would be on top and not on the bottom of the unit, i now that the PCB is on the bottom but talking ergonomic is where makes sense imo, i would use the trigger finger to pulse it and the device securely inside the hand, since the shape is close to the Crafty its easy to do a comparison between them but using on demand i need to use the button, its not only to turn it on/off and placing on top is better imo even if its no doable.... for me.
Maybe im getting to anal with this...

is good to talk petty things about the TM, the performance flaws mostly are related to batteries and most of the talks here is how can we make the experience better by using different stems of other mods á lá @dzoinp

I have a another petty thing to share, i like to have the CU cleaned, draw resistance and taste could change if the CU is to cleaned, and since i stir i usually push down the CU so i can have enough space to stir without dropping any goods but the CU gets a little loose with the heat and its way easy to the CU to slide away, i now this is related with the clear orings being too soft, i only got from the maker the smaller ones and i guess i need the bigger ones (on the CU ) to prevent this... see petty petty things...
