got my tinymight from vapefiend today... charging battery now.... my tm is smelling like fish oil... is this normal? strange...
But dude.......this one goes up to.....
......oh yea..... 🗯🗯
It would be interesting to know the duration of your inhalations after the buzz and if you continue to inhale after releasing the button.
I'm just thinking about the stock stem + cooling unit...
My draws after the buzz last between 8 to 10 sec and after releasing the button for about 1 second
Having really good results with half the CU, acting just as a basket really. Less draw restriction resulting in less heated stem and unit itself.. vapour slightly hotter, but not overly, pretty cool to be fair compared to a hot stem. Seems more efficent too, im getting a few more good clouds.. Only reason for trying is im having to clean the CU everyother-3rd day..
This pack has had 2 good hits at 4.5.
View attachment 1253
Anyone know where I can buy replacement basket screen and the flat round screen for the TM stem size, 16mm? ..Cheers.
These for the stock stems:
cup screens for O ring stems : MistVape™ Online Store
(@Siebter I finally just confirmed these do in fact fit! But the other ones for the 14mm stems you linked definitely do not...)
I didn't order my screens myself but got them as an extra for my Mistvape capsules (so I could indeed be wrong), when trying to find out which ones they were I just went by the specs from the Mistvape site, and they seem to be just right (picture seems to show the same item too).
I'll use this thread for stems, screens and other stuff that is not a vape.
Starting with the deep cup screens which just landed. These are 316SS, 50 mesh, .42" diameter and .35" deep
View attachment 516
In the store now.
I don't know what you mean by extra for the capsules, since the capsules themself are just a deeper screen with a special lid, so these screens have nothing to do with them [...]
The other screens you had linked are for the older Imp body and MistVape Touch stems that connect with 14mm connection so those screens are too narrow for the TM (14mm in the description on the site refers to the stem connection, not the screen size itself)
True, I got them as an extra, but not *for* the capsules, but just *with* them (sorry, German speaking here, sometimes details matter).
The site says „The side walls are about 3 mm high and the diameter is about 9 mm.“ which is exactly the case for the screens I am referring to.
It's been a month since I got mine and everything has been great. I really do not have any complaints. After extensive testing, I found that the GRAV Upline Taster is by far my favorite stem. I take a 5/8" pipe screen, but some herb and a RBT basket screen on top. Works great and I have an amazing session. Usually 4-5 excellent puffs at the 5.5 setting. Then I turn it up to about 7.5 to finish it off and the herb is perfectly toasted. No rings, no hotspots. I also bought screens from MistVape. I have two GRAV's and it only fits on one of them. That works well also, but I prefer the 5/8" pipe screens, unless there is something better.
I think it’s possible, but with a dremel it will be hard to get the perfect shape. I also use the S&B dosing caps with great success. Combined with a handmade wood adapter and a ring to prevent the capsule from being pushed through the screen (Important, otherwise you risking damage to your heater see post #317). Maybe I will try to mod a stem directly with a diamond milling cutter and a lot of water.Hi all, I haven't received my TM just yet but I am trying to get caught up on all discussions here and on the old website. I intend to use my unit with the S&B Dosing Capsules, I am aware of the safety concerns with that (damaging heater). I suspect a lot of you have owned these kinds of "stem vapes" before, based on that experience, how feasible do you think it would be to Dremel the inner diameter of the glass stem wide enough to fit a Dosing Capsule?
how feasible do you think it would be to Dremel the inner diameter of the glass stem wide enough to fit a Dosing Capsule?
don’t have three but I am soo happy with it! Puts my Argo/air, mighty, fury2 and dynavap to shame!Is there anyone so happy with their Tinymight.....they have 3?
Hi all, I haven't received my TM just yet but I am trying to get caught up on all discussions here and on the old website. I intend to use my unit with the S&B Dosing Capsules, I am aware of the safety concerns with that (damaging heater). I suspect a lot of you have owned these kinds of "stem vapes" before, based on that experience, how feasible do you think it would be to Dremel the inner diameter of the glass stem wide enough to fit a Dosing Capsule?
Hi all, I haven't received my TM just yet but I am trying to get caught up on all discussions here and on the old website. I intend to use my unit with the S&B Dosing Capsules, I am aware of the safety concerns with that (damaging heater). I suspect a lot of you have owned these kinds of "stem vapes" before, based on that experience, how feasible do you think it would be to Dremel the inner diameter of the glass stem wide enough to fit a Dosing Capsule?
I don't have 3, but I did receive my second TinyMight last week. As I suspected it is not identical to my first TinyMight.Is there anyone so happy with their Tinymight.....they have 3?
I'm pretty happy with my tm . and it's a single copy (4 month ago) . Real quick heavy hitterIs there anyone so happy with their Tinymight.....they have 3?