Well-Known Member
Mike,Elite Functional Prototype #1
The chip is mounted upside down, I need to learn the programming and flip the screen. This puts the fire button in the in the Classic position. I was planning on using set screws to mount the plate but wasn't happy with the fit I was getting. Not sure how that will wind up, but maybe set screws, maybe some type of cool headed screw. searching now. Hitting on it now, quite cool. I'm sure I'll learn a lot from Prototype #1. Hopefully, this unit will teach me exactly what needs to happen to make this thing perfect and start mass producing.
It's official. Lil' Bud Elite by Vapwood - now on sale at
Wow outta the blocks and the Elite prototype looks great!

If the firmware is anything like the Tubo Evic just hold down
the + and - buttons at the same time while unit is off and the
display will flip.
Maybe some small dark knurled flat thumbscrews for the faceplate
mount to match the buttons?
got the backplates in the mail the other day and as usual the
fit is spot on!
thanks for your time and effort in dealing with my request.