Hello Boys and Girls,
Assembly continues. This time around, I've added an additional step to the assembly process - a final coil tweak before completion. I'm also testing one very small tweak that may find its way into every unit. That's what Vapwood has always been about, adjusting, improving *on the fly*, applying any new changes possible to every vape possible.
I took a step back on Black Friday, not trying to push units, but rather see what it is everybody else is doing, asking for. As an on demand convection vape manufacturer / seller, I now realize I'm very much in the minority, especially as a portable.
Timber offers a regulated, on demand, all in one experience. It is easy to use, efficient, hits like a train, while being a hand made work of art. I wish I could sell for less, but it takes quite a while to craft each one. Right now, I am concentrating on quality over quantity, and will continue to do so.
With that said, the current batch was delayed, and that's what happens with hand made stuff. I am finishing up the batch this week for shipping next.