Wondering the same thing, but I guess he's backed up. There has been some Reddit discussion on LB, which I notice every once in awhile when I see a spike in website traffic, but nothing really from IG, where he does his reviews.
When you have a quality product, I tend to get confident in the fact that people will like it and word will automatically spread. Unfortunately, that is not always the case, as the internet (today's biggest information resource) is also ripe with much
misinformation. Lil' Bud has had its share of
propaganda, and maybe that's a strong word for what we're talking about here, but I feel lots of it was intentional (the difference between propaganda and misinformation is the intent). I feel that is why impartial, factual reviews are crucial (thanks
@P.A.M.) to the growth of Vapwood beyond this forum.
It's kind of a frustrating feeling, to have something so good, and not be able to put it in more hands, but have no fear, I love my small group of loyal customers, and will do everything I can do produce more and more innovative products, while improving the existing line up. My biggest challenge is staying liquid, building enough capitol to stay fat with stock, so I can keep building, and adding to inventory, reducing the time you have to wait for a vape. Ironically, busier means less wait time. For example, with the recent website spike, I made a couple of nice sales, but it all went immediately to Alpine Tech for DNA 75c boards. Bottom line, building Elites is expensive, with over $125 worth of parts in each unit.
I got lots of buttons, lots of boards, lots of parts. Let's shout Elite from the mountain tops!!!