... I hate 20questions ..
But here we go anyways ...
1. fav way to use watts or TC = TC Baby ! love playing with the Elite Cool/med/hot trends at different temps .
2. Load quantity = about .06 to .09.
3. Load prep = wtf is that , no thank you .
4. How many times a day = I lose count , who's asking
5. How many bowls per battery charge = I lose count , sorry . Gets me through the day .
6. Do you stir = does James Bond stir ?
7. Battery swapping = when it gets to about 25% in the screen display I either change it before the load or after/next. If leaving , usually install a fresh cell.
8. Use a condom = sometimes
9. Do you swing = sometimes . With my log mostly if I do
10. Temp surfing = sometimes
11. Watt Surfage = sometimes
12. Preheat = no , pull the trigger and go !
13. Escribe software usage = NO! I've done all I needed to on the Elite. display screen menu
14. Onboard charging = no , I forget its there
15. Polish Job = not the Elite yet
16. Roasting tube preference = walnut , close tie between cherry and maple for second .
17. Do you share your bud = I guess I could
18. Fav wood = walnut, anything dark .
19. How often do you change (or Clean?) screen = never , clean it every full moon for shits and giggles
20. Fav thing about the Elite . Makes life Grand Baby !
Is there a roasting tube draw or something for this ?
Love you all !

Vape on!