Well-Known Member
The Magical Tempest Canon:
So my Tempest arrived a couple of days ago, and I immediately threw it on my MVS that I had lying around and started testing.
At first, I got decent hits and was surprised that the titanium MVS stem didn’t get too hot for me (at least not while doing single half-bowls and waiting 5 minutes in between bowls).
I tried closing the airflow holes on the Tempest, but I didn’t like that very much for my style.
However, once I opened them, I started getting huge, tasty clouds.
Today, I felt the stem restricted my airflow too much, so I switched the cooling spiral to one with fewer spirals, making the MVS a LOT more free-flowing.
HOLY WHAT IS THIS. GIGANTIC clouds—I have only seen and tasted clouds like this from desktop ball vapes.
One drag and my whole room is filled with clouds, and the sun coming in from the window starts to cast rays through all the fog…
Absolutely crazy device, I’m kinda lost for words. So tiny and light enough i can still hang it from my lip... (strong lip but still

This is endgame and the new benchmark for portable DHVs for me.
And im not just talking about power but the whole experience with Wand and Reload its not just better and less cumbersome its so damn optimized its fun. Its effortless.
I can even recommend that setup to patients that usually used a mighty for easy of use.
I will be selling my TM, and if I lost the Tempest (or Wand for that matter) today, I’d get another tomorrow.
My hat’s off to @Brenyo. I can feel that you also made this device and ecosystem for yourself to enjoy. So smart.
Nothing comes close to this user experience, especially if you want to be mobile.
I’m looking forward to shocking the absolute hell out of my friends when they try this beast!
Here is my (personal, felt cute might delete later) setup:
• I didn’t even fill the half-bowl completely with very potent Frozen Lemon Mints sativa and didn’t tamp it at all. So, loosy-goosy.
• EU Wand Shatter setting (Mollicell P28A new) at 270C—280-290 when half battery to timeout. It’s pretty fast, not much slower than Dynavap, maybe 30-35ish seconds.
• Adapter pushed out just a hair, like 2mm, not too much, as for me, then it gets way too roasty, and I’m coming from torch/Dynavap. Depth changes the experience A LOT, so play around with this.
• Tempest airholes fully open.
• Stem (MVS for me) closed or almost, but this is personal taste, as it doesn’t do thaaat much, but still changes the experience.
• Blast off however you want and prepare to chuck clouds like your neighbors are about to call the cops…
I don’t even own a reload yet, but it’s already on order! I’m sure it will make this even more insane.
Hope you all have a fantastic day—I know I will!

P.S. My Tempest has zero engraving at the top, is that normal?

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