The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Pranayama; of a sort.
I definitely understand the hard to take apart bit. Have a crack in my original 11mm glass stem because my spiral got stuck and I had the "bright idea" to use my second Revolve to push it out... It slipped and I'm lucky the stem didn't completely shatter.
I got unlucky, my revolve glass sleave shattered into my finger, its was "fun" tweezering that out, I must have put to much pressure on it. I never got the chance to try a wooden sleave and always wondered what the heat transfer was like compared to the glass? (Glass sleave is the way I use my Revolve as there isn't an Australian retailer that sells wood sleaves that I know of and I prefer the glass over the Ti)?

I can see a black wood sleave, black glass sleave and a black de-bowler (and a wand adapter - which will give me a reason to open my wand) are all going to be things I am going to want to try and get when available to go with my Black Reload - but I do love the silver/Ti base throughout with the Black heat shield, I wasn't sure I was going to like it preferring the glass on my Revolve - but I really like the bowl / body / heat shield and the combined shape of new Tempest.
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Well-Known Member
Ooo does this mean we will soon see pics of coloured Tempests out in the wild?
I actually received a "review reward" Tempest around the same time as you received your review copy I am delighted to say.

It's pvd black (which I would categorise as coloured I guess lol), not sure what the issue with the coating is but the bag said "faulty", I presume it's probably 99% the same as the black that will be released. The unit has a custom cut ball retaining screen and custom flower screen as well as no visual or auditory temp sensor. It also came with a wand adaptor :).

I am unfortunately 17,000 km away from home until next week, but my friend picked it up and is using it currently.

Here are some quotes from my friend "Very impressed. One heat cycle gives a fair load of rips... at least 10", "Really enjoying the Tempest" "I am really enjoying it lol". He said he is now saving up to buy a wand and tempest to replace his Dani for native use, he said this before he even dialed in the heating. He also said he can't tell what's wrong with the finish at all, maybe the "faulty" bag was just referring to the lack of sensors? He did say he overpacked it once and had issues getting an even roast but he also said that if he had the click and visual indicator then he would just heat it up again following those which would help when it's overpacked. He did combust in it but that is because he ran it on the wand for a full cycle, hit it, then ran it again on a full cycle without letting it cool down, he doesn't have a wand so I'd say he may have been confused about the temp indication being a timer not a temp. There is no visual sensor so he couldn't use the technique Redzap was using for quick heat ups.

So overall extremely positive, my friend pretty much immediately made the decision to make a +400 euro purchase when using it. I will be hitting it next week and I'll leave a review also. I'll try speak about things that Redzap did not but his review was very comprehensive so I'll have a bit of a challenge. My review will also be made on a version that's less final than his with no indicators at all so that will have to be kept in mind.


Well-Known Member
I actually received a "review reward" Tempest around the same time as you received your review copy I am delighted to say.

It's pvd black (which I would categorise as coloured I guess lol), not sure what the issue with the coating is but the bag said "faulty", I presume it's probably 99% the same as the black that will be released. The unit has a custom cut ball retaining screen and custom flower screen as well as no visual or auditory temp sensor. It also came with a wand adaptor :).

I am unfortunately 17,000 km away from home until next week, but my friend picked it up and is using it currently.

Here are some quotes from my friend "Very impressed. One heat cycle gives a fair load of rips... at least 10", "Really enjoying the Tempest" "I am really enjoying it lol". He said he is now saving up to buy a wand and tempest to replace his Dani for native use, he said this before he even dialed in the heating. He also said he can't tell what's wrong with the finish at all, maybe the "faulty" bag was just referring to the lack of sensors? He did say he overpacked it once and had issues getting an even roast but he also said that if he had the click and visual indicator then he would just heat it up again following those which would help when it's overpacked. He did combust in it but that is because he ran it on the wand for a full cycle, hit it, then ran it again on a full cycle without letting it cool down, he doesn't have a wand so I'd say he may have been confused about the temp indication being a timer not a temp. There is no visual sensor so he couldn't use the technique Redzap was using for quick heat ups.

So overall extremely positive, my friend pretty much immediately made the decision to make a +400 euro purchase when using it. I will be hitting it next week and I'll leave a review also. I'll try speak about things that Redzap did not but his review was very comprehensive so I'll have a bit of a challenge. My review will also be made on a version that's less final than his with no indicators at all so that will have to be kept in mind.
Very nice. It might be faulty due to a minor flaw in the coating. Brenyo strikes me as a perfectionist. Sort of like when BCG release factory second grinders and people get them delivered and can barely find the flaw.

Yeah you can over pack it, but it's not easy to do accidently. You have to really shove lots in there. I've done it just to experiment. I found the airflow suffers, and you don't get as big clouds. This isn't anything to do with the vape, it's just physics. I find a loose pack gives me 0.15g on the dot. By loose I mean just filling using the reload, then a slight tamp to make sure no herb is sticking out.

Yeah with no visual indicator it will be hard to chain bowls. But even using Tempest to have a single bowl now and again is wonderful. I'm not surprised your friend is loving it. It's absolutely one of those vapes that people will try and will want one for themselves.
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Well-Known Member
@Brenyo - I know you've been messaging about this a lot but what's the latest thought on release timing? I know the temp sensor and click discs are both still waiting on new test parts being sent to you.

I think maybe you've mentioned the temp sensor is coming this week or next? Are the new click discs close to being shipped to you?

Again I know you've answered this a bunch, I was just curious how long you were expecting the gap between full release and this test release to be. Especially if you're optimistic about the temp sensor sensor being good by next week.

It may impact some people's desire to get into this test run or not.


Well-Known Member
Will the Rosewood be available as a standalone accessory during launch?

Can I purchase the smaller 5x1 orings from you with my Tempest order?
Sure, you can just leave a note with the order

I would still really love to see the all black with natural Maple to compare.

what's the latest thought on release timing?
Mid December atm
I think maybe you've mentioned the temp sensor is coming this week or next?
This week


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I would like to share with you a piece of wisdom that brings more patience into us. Paying attention to the here and now and looking at what you already own in gratitude and enjoying this situation. Joy for what is to come is nice, but it should not determine the situation: Life is that moment right now and love is what keeps us in the here and now. Greetings Lars


Well-Known Member
@RedZep have you tried the Tempest without the Revolve/dedicated stem on a bong? Maybe you could use Dynavap's Bonger as a WPA or something else.


Well-Known Member
@RedZep have you tried the Tempest without the Revolve/dedicated stem on a bong? Maybe you could use Dynavap's Bonger as a WPA or something else.
I've tried it using the direct flow tube in the stem. Allowing to bypass the stem cooling. Worked great. I found I preferred j-hook to bong.

I can try using it the way you suggested if you are wanting to know if it's possible to just buy a tip and use before an official WPA version is released. I'll update when I've tried it.

I prefer the native use with stem over any other way I've tried so far. The stem is amazing.


Well-Known Member
What will be the best IH for this device? I want to get one that’ll work with the Tempest seamlessly. Is the wand the move?
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Well-Known Member
@Brenyo is there an idea on how long the bowl screen and ball retaining screens will last? I'll probably just get some spares anyways, but I'm curious if you had an idea during testing.


Pranayama; of a sort.
is there an idea on how long the bowl screen and ball retaining screens will last? I'll probably just get some spares anyways, but I'm curious if you had an idea during testing.
Just thinking about the ball retaining screens in the other devices I have used, they tend to last a long time. I guess this gets shaken around a little more being carried around.

I would get a bowl screen as well at the time as its always good to be prepared with spares (that old glassware saying "one is none and two is one")


Well-Known Member
What color will the test unit have?
Mainly Ti and there is a small chance for a few color options.

Is the wand the move?

is there an idea on how long the bowl screen and ball retaining screens will last?
The ball screen should last as long as you don't loose it.

The bowl screen depends on a few factors, how many times you take it out, how you clean it etc. I would expect it to last about 6 months if this is your only device with a lot of use. If you don't adjust it and just soak it in iso with the bowl then probably it will last a lot longer than that. It will come with 5 bowl screens


If God is the answer, then the question is wrong
@Brenyo when preorders start, will we able to choose between full vaporizer and only the “tip/cap” less expensive deal? to use it 95% with a bubbler i think revolve2 will be enough for my needs


AKA Probeer
We might have a release candidate visual sensor this week, depending on that this drop could be delayed to next week so I can include it. If not then there will be no sensor installed.


I wouldn't mind both the beta test and review givaway units to wait on that, even if it takes another week.
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