The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


I get all my lighters from aliexpress and the work great for the price. I bought 3 so far only one is crap. (Each for arround 10€)


Well-Known Member
If the AVB looks good and you don’t loose most of the vapour during heating somehow then it’s likely the weed. Do you only have a volcano vape apart from the tempest?
Are there balls in cap? Can you see it through the ball screen?

The herb came from a highly reputable caregiver out of Ann Arbor Michigan. One of the most prolific MJ communities in the USA. Not to sound defensive but it’s definitely not the bud.

The volcano is currently my only other vape. I can hear balls in the cap when I shake it. So I believe they are there. I can’t really see through the screen though. AVB looks pretty roasted. I get one hit that you might call decent. Pending on what your use to as a hit I suppose. And then 2 incredibly weak hits in an attempt to finish it off.

I’m convinced something is going wrong in this process. I’ve seen gifs of others using this thing. And their vapor production blows mine away.


The herb came from a highly reputable caregiver out of Ann Arbor Michigan. One of the most prolific MJ communities in the USA. Not to sound defensive but it’s definitely not the bud.

The volcano is currently my only other vape. I can hear balls in the cap when I shake it. So I believe they are there. I can’t really see through the screen though. AVB looks pretty roasted. I get one hit that you might call decent. Pending on what your use to as a hit I suppose. And then 2 incredibly weak hits in an attempt to finish it off.

I’m convinced something is going wrong in this process. I’ve seen gifs of others using this thing. And their vapor production blows mine away.
I don't have mine yet, but seems like the bowl is too tight, try a super light pack (half empty on full bowl setting) and turn up the heat and do a loooooong slow draw. Thats how my convection vapes give the most vapour without combustion. They just stop producing vapour when they are done


New Member
Posting some pictures of my titanium & rosewood tempest. Really really pretty and nicely built in person!

As others have mentioned, the whole ecosystem (tempest + reload + case + wand) is just a joy to use. Really well thought out.

I was also very happy to find that the tempest head fits perfectly on my titanium vong with no problem. Makes for an easy way to use it with water!

I'm still learning how to use it, and refining my technique for my setup. I've found that the recommended temps were very high for me - not sure if it's setup, my flower, my ambient temperature, or what else it could be? 280 was basically combustion - almost completely black. 270 was very much "riding the line" and I've found that for me, 240c is the best temperature. The depth of my wand is very close to what's shown in the manual, and I have the stem fully closed with the head side airport just barely open :shrug: not sure why it runs so much hotter, but I'm not complaining! It's nice to know I can ride the line when needed (I'd rather not! I'm just here for the tarps and prefer a medium roast).

May check back in as I refine it and test some more, but for now, count me as another happy customer!
Great to know it fits on the Vong, I love that thing for use with water 🤙


Lesser-Known Lurker
The herb came from a highly reputable caregiver out of Ann Arbor Michigan. One of the most prolific MJ communities in the USA. Not to sound defensive but it’s definitely not the bud.

The volcano is currently my only other vape. I can hear balls in the cap when I shake it. So I believe they are there. I can’t really see through the screen though. AVB looks pretty roasted. I get one hit that you might call decent. Pending on what your use to as a hit I suppose. And then 2 incredibly weak hits in an attempt to finish it off.

I’m convinced something is going wrong in this process. I’ve seen gifs of others using this thing. And their vapor production blows mine away.
It could be as simple as the flower you're using is too moist... Not saying that is it, but maybe post a picture of your bud and also your Tempest ABV. Is it roasted to a dark brown? Still greenish looking? etc.


Well-Known Member
It could be as simple as the flower you're using is too moist... Not saying that is it, but maybe post a picture of your bud and also your Tempest ABV. Is it roasted to a dark brown? Still greenish looking? etc.
I would say it was a light brownish. Will try to snap a picture tonight after work. Haven’t uploaded pics here before. Looks like others have used Imgur?
I use to use the tempest natively, but yesterday i wanted to smash my head sonI just tried a new glass piece I have.
The first one with hash, half bowl and the alternative screen.
The second one with herb, full chamber and the official screen.
Dont ask about configs because I dont remember them :lol:

alternate screen ? care to share ?


Well-Known Member
Like a year or so and I’ve been torching the shit out of it. A friend of mine got the same thing several years ago, still works perfect. It outperforms my Blazer PB-207 by far.
would love to find this in the US. anyone have a link to something like this that’s cheap and legit?


Well-Known Member
More adjustments made today. Wand adapter adjustments, changing airflow near head. Still consistently getting 1 weak hit. Thoroughly frustrated.

Anyone else have this issue when they started? At roughly 5 bowls per night that aren’t doing much I’m not really sure what else to do here.
I have just had a half bowl and I am nicely toasted! Sorry it's not working for you 😕


Well-Known Member
So it's been quite an experience with the tempest during the past week. It has really helped cut down on combustion more so than the other vapes I am using. I hope the following comparison is not out of place but I have a point to make about the importance of form factor.

Up until getting the venty, the solo 3 was my reference. While the flavor of the solo is amazing, the draw resistance and finicky packing (so the load does not fall and combust) started getting to me. Even if the venty did not have such clean flavor, it did have better and more satisfying clouds with little effort, so it became my main use portable.

What the tempest brings which I appreciate is the form factor being more similar to a joint, than a bulky box like the venty that weighs quite a bit. Even if the puffing experience is less similar to a joint than the venty (long and multiple draws on the venty needing no attention vs 1 hitter or multiple small tokes needing reheat on the tempest), it makes the overall experience more enjoyable just because of the form. Venty still wins for group use obviously, but otherwise the tempest system is very very practical.


Putin is a War Criminal
I always use the SCU when I'm using the stem because I need the extra cooling. I'm not sure how much extra cooling you actually get, but my lungs are weak these days, so I like it as cool as I can get it. I also always do a half bowl.


New Member
More adjustments made today. Wand adapter adjustments, changing airflow near head. Still consistently getting 1 weak hit. Thoroughly frustrated.

Anyone else have this issue when they started? At roughly 5 bowls per night that aren’t doing much I’m not really sure what else to do here.
I've had my Tempest since March and I go through about 3-6 bowls a day. Maybe I can help.
What happens if you pull on the Tempest with an empty bowl, the cap on, and the stem airflow fully closed? Try varying the cap airflow during this test - changing this should only slightly affect the airflow you have. Also, do you have the secondary cooling unit in? If so, take it out for now to eliminate additional variables and give you a bit more air flow. Set up like this, you should feel resistance when pulling it dry, like the air is being choked but not cut. Let me know what happens here.


New Member
I believe that I was under packing the bowl. More herb with a couple pats made a big difference. Great production now.

Stupid question time:

How does the secondary cooling unit affect the experience? I assume it adds cooling, does that take away from the flavor?
To respond, and also acknowledge my previous comment regarding the SCU, my unit is always installed. I don't think it affects flavor very much, but if I recall correctly, it noticeably (but not massively) affects airflow.


Well-Known Member
I believe that I was under packing the bowl. More herb with a couple pats made a big difference. Great production now.

Stupid question time:

How does the secondary cooling unit affect the experience? I assume it adds cooling, does that take away from the flavor?
I liked the secondary cooling unit when using the direct tube, I don’t feel like the helix tube needs the extra cooling but that’s just me.

Quick question for the group, how are y’all smoking hash? Just sandwich it?


Well-Known Member
I believe that I was under packing the bowl. More herb with a couple pats made a big difference. Great production now.

Stupid question time:

How does the secondary cooling unit affect the experience? I assume it adds cooling, does that take away from the flavor?
Glad you've gotten there.
Enjoy dude 😎

The SCU does make a difference, I have throat sensitivity issues so I leave it in all the time now, I don't find it hinders any flavour as such.


New Member
After a nervous wait with my Tempest sitting in customs for a few days I finally have this beauty in my hands! In an iso bath at the moment, can't wait to give it a few test runs later this evening 🤙🏻

Question for anyone whose used/using it with the Flare - I know about the wattage limitations and such, but I haven't seen much info about the ideal depth to run it at? I know getting the depth right is key to good results with the Wand and I'm assuming it's a similar story with the Flare.

Edit: @Brenyo I've just realised that the Revolve sleeve was missing from my order (I used the BLACK-GEN2-CU code). Obviously it's not the end of the world to not have it right away but thought I'd give you the heads up.
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