guys we are going through some transitions and the persei ss kits will be back online, but not with us, we got an offer from a company that wants to buy our stuff in bulk, including our old kiss ti kiss carts and other things.
This is going to be a win win for everyone.
@elmoe420 if im not mistaken the kiss carts never shipped with the nickel mesh that surrounds the ceramic cup like on other kiss platform style carts.
@lucky778 the kiss carts are designed with the "keep it simple stupid" philosophy in mind. This means we had to remove parts that where not necessary, now second version we upgraded the mouth piece, third version we used ceramic wicks, 4th version we used Ti Gr2 coils and the last 5th version we upgraded the black ceramic wicks.
Now over the course of 1.6 years we have sold thousands and I mean thousands of kiss carts, to date we only know about 30 people who have had this issue.
Out of 1000 let's say 30 are bad that is 3%, now out of the 30 around 4 went out first week, that's 0.4% failure rate.
Now multiply that to about 30k+ kiss carts and that 30 people who have had this issue happen is a very low number in fact it's below 0.1% and even lower 0.01% of it happening within the 1st week.
As for it being an issue we need to address I would say no, because if failure rate is below 0.5% companies don't touch it.
That's not us, that's why even with such a small failure rate we addressed this issue in the Kiss Alpha Centauri.
Also re labeling it the kiss "so healthy might not work" is a better solution then "selling you to grade 4 wire but in actual reality is grade 5" like other companies.
on a side note, today im going to test the Universe with a O-Phos, all looks good on paper and we should be able to get it to work. Lets see how it goes.