So I filled my second test cart with another gram of oil and started to see some signs of slowing down. It is also clogging quite frequently and if I try to pull it clear the whole oil mass starts to bubble up. No leaking out the bottom but maybe it would be if I wan't pulling it up?
The clogging issue is common and we should have it fixed on the next version which we are working on.
We are going to be at the festival, come check us out.
Yeah I notice it worst with cheap oils but even a really nice wax will gather a little blob of concentrate in the airtube by the end of the gram. I combat this by trying to keep it all coming out the top but it sounds like there are other approaches?
I have been loading only .5 of a gram to test, or any time for that matter, and getting good results.
wax is oilWhat are ya'll loading in your carts? I am seeing people use waxes and oils mostly, a club by me also does full melts for a decent price.
What are the differences in effect, taste, ease of use.
Also, beginner question but how can you tell from the menu if it is hash oil (I've looked on a few different menus and they indicate bubble hash, kief, melt, and wax, but havent seen oil in more than one or two places, is it just that hard to come by?
+1I see, thanks for the info and your right it all depends on what kind of oil you have since co2,bho,hho,eho, is all different consistency and concentrate. That's would be awesome if we had a whole wiki for what type of oils work with what voltage and ohm's the best. I think if enough people input their feedback that it would be an awesome place to go for information.
So is there a good way to tell from club menus? also most clubs wont talk about anything over the phone?
killed my first cart.... interesting it still gets hot just doesnt produce vapor. deceiving
killed my first cart.... interesting it still gets hot just doesnt produce vapor. deceiving
What city are you in? Can you get to:
Oakland: Harborside Health Center
San Jose: Elemental Wellness & Harborside Health Center (San Jose)
San Francisco: San Francisco Patient and Resource Center (SPARC)
...I COULD get to those, but 2 - 2.5 hours drive from where i am in South Sacramento (Elk Grove area)
ill be checking in at the other side of town tonight.
I guess what i'd really like to know is "what to look for" and "what to avoid"
-so far it seems that bubble hash and kief should be avoided but all other hashes/concentrates ok?
Check out North Star and El Camino Wellness if you are in Sac. NS has really nice high quality wax. Right now they have about 8-10 different strains. El Camino carries wax and has a bit more oils that work great and also carry pure gold. Both places have a menu on their websites.
What you want is something that leaves virtually no residue. S no cold water extraction hash, or any solid type hash.
Look for something that will be called Oil, Honey, Budder, or Wax (aka EarWax). All melt down completely. Pure Gold is great ($40 for 1/2g), but not really for beginners as it really needs some special handling.
No reason not to take your device with you and show it to them. Chances are they are familiar with it (or the process) and that can help them guide you.
Also i've read on this thread people saying the persei burns off PG too fast with 7.4 and 4 ohm carts. I think i read but not completley sure, a way to configure the persei to run just like a v1/2 would (as far as volt and resistances?)
Also i've read on this thread people saying the persei burns off PG too fast with 7.4 and 4 ohm carts. I think i read but not completley sure, a way to configure the persei to run just like a v1/2 would (as far as volt and resistances?)