Downward spiral
I have 2 reasons:Can you elaborate on how its a downgrade?
1) One of the MAJOR points to the original Cloud was the qwest to keep everything out of the airpath(Taste and health reasons), ala All Glass airpath(although you do use a stainless mesh bowl for those who would've pointed that out). By running it thru a tube that possibly collects moisture and spittle and vapor and dust, not to mention the loss of flavor, to me that is a downgrade. Same as trying to make the Cloud, blow up bags, IMO. Thats not what it was intended for, will it work, yes. But in a downgraded fashion. We're not discussing people who for medical reasons need a whip or a bag to medicate. I love the VXH Cloud/Evo, but would never recommend to someone with those particular needs. Other devices do whip and bags better than a knocked down Cloud/Evo would,IMO.
2) I could better use my meds by using a nail/skillet and glass piece, than my pen/tubing/glass piece. If it's all you have then hey, I guess it's not a downgrade, it's making due with what you've got(Stoner-McGyver mentality we all have/had). But other than that, TO ME, it's novelty at best.
For the record, I did say I'm a vapor snob.