Well-Known Member
Exactly! well said, last time I checked it out there were 4000w carcinogens and harmful chemicals in each cig, latulipe999 when you compare your mighty to an M what would win? did you or anybody tried both milaana and mighty?
I do not think there is a winner, they are two exceptional tools that I use differently.
I like longer session with the Mighty. I start at prety low temp ( 175°C/345°F ) and I increase little by little when the auto-shut begin to buzz until there is no more vapor from the weed (200°C/390°F). I can spend 10 minutes on one bowl.

The vapcap is a quick and efficient way to extract a smalest amount of green ( compared with the Mighty ). I beleve it "click" around 210°C/410°F. It take me 1 or 2 minutes to spend 3/4 heat cycle if i'm in a hurry

I would like to test the Milanaa