Got to ask, how do you manage yours?
I typically use a regular ol' bent lab clamp on a naked core (seen in pics in this thread). My daily driver is actually still the first functional core I built back in Dec or Jan some time, which I crammed into this bocote heat shield, the second functional heat shield so far. I have a canary heat shield as well, but I never bothered to put a DC jack in it since I was swapping test cores very often. It's in my vape library for now. I may do something more with it at some point, as the specimen was admittedly too gorgeous for a test block, and still has a lot of potential.
I have a sister blank for each of these specimens in my private stock for later
This is my daily driver in Bocote with the canary hiding behind it. This core has been an absolute unit. In all of this testing is has neither combusted nor let me down once, ever. It's traveled across several states and over a thousand miles of road, been left on, poked, prodded, measured, and generally harassed to vape utterly stupid amounts of flower... it's seen a campfire, several group sesh's, and has racked up some absurd length of runtime so far.

And the canary
Some earlier builds during testing:
In some cases a little creativity goes a really long way:
And this last lone I love because of the cherenkov radiation-like glow
As stated previously the lab clamps will probably be dropped as a standard kit item and made an add-on. It is the only component that some folks are having difficulty dealing with/bending so I think reducing it from the kit and making it optional is a safe move. It requires a significant amount of either strength or tools. The growing number of creative ways people are finding to use this core is pretty cool! I can't wait to see what crazy stuff other artists come up with!!!