The HighLighter (Glass-Core Open-Source Halogen Log) Kit Hosted by REFC Labs


Inventor,Maker, Pro Nerd, Entgineer, GladScientist
Not anymore. :(

. ------?---------------:science:
I had to set them out of stock. Those were up for some devs to get spare parts. I haven't even published the full build instructions or documentation yet, and want to be sure those are available and proofed before I let things rip.

The few who managed to sneak some parts orders in... I will honor those. Do be aware not all of the parts have been listed yet.

I'm available to discuss as needed. Parts will go back in stock at launch. Just trying to have as many bases covered as I can!



IG: sunyata.woods
Accessory Maker
Yes, I do plan on shipping internationally.

The design spec for wood heat shields will be released soon so anyone can make and sell them. This part was meant as a gift to the community so owners can take their business to any artist they choose.

And Thanks! Hope everyone likes it!
Dude I can't even begin to describe how grateful I am for that move. Seriously digging that mindset! So excited to turn wooden heatshields for this! So many different design setups I can think of for that as well.


Is this a...what day is this?
Got my kit in yesterday, setup took under 10 minutes. Another 10 minutes to heat soak, and ready to roll!

The HLT quickly rips through a basket pack in 1-2 rips and the vapor is very flavorful & smooth. GF took a few rips as well and gave her stamp of approval.

Looking forward to the heat shields that makers come up with for these!



Well-Known Member
Mine came today! Initial notes: Installation was super easy, a simple 10-15 minutes. I put on some nitrile gloves to keep my hand oils off the parts but I also washed each part that felt appropriate in iso and dried. At first i was wondering if the smaller oring would hold well but it is very secure - i hadn't put the light low enough and it was a snug removal for adjustment. Second time and we were sitting pretty. Once i turned it on i knew we were good.

The black glass does a great job at keeping safe to the eyes, its a very dim glow, but you can see the power of the light over the bowl immediately.

After a 10 minute heat soak this thing takes a basket and shreds it in one rip, two if my lungs are in recovery from prior hits. Not too many vapes have impressed me like this, especially not at the price this is targeting. I'm so so very excited to see more people playing with this, and all the artsy stuff people make with it.

I will have many, many vids up in the future.
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Inventor,Maker, Pro Nerd, Entgineer, GladScientist
Here I am, just sitting here patiently waiting.

I appreciate your patience! Just letting the first round of full kits do their job and show me what, if anything, needs to be changed, fixed, or updated.

So far so good, the only thing we've learned is that the lab clamp is really hard to bend for most people, so it will probably get axed from the kit (most aren't using it). The most favorable way to rest this unit is in a small bowl, ashtray, mug, or other ceramic/glass insulated item, at an angle. I will more than likely make these an optional item, and clear out the stock I have on hand at a discount. It's also the most cumbersome part to package, so there is a materials and weight advantage to ditching it, too. If they're still around after a bit, they'll get donated to my local high school science lab so they can do some good.

Aside from that, builds and use seem to be going swimmingly, so I fully expect to start launching these kits in batches, as planned within the next week or so.

Thank you kindly, everyone, who has been patient and understanding while we lift this project off of the ground. It's very slow going to launch a new product from the ground up on a startup budget, but I have confidence that availability will increase as the kit becomes more adopted and refined.

You guys should be aware that you are more than just customers, you are actively helping shape and refine a product, and it's important that I listen to you!


HAL is a StarChild


Inventor,Maker, Pro Nerd, Entgineer, GladScientist
@RedEyeFlightControl I'm wondering if how I rest my LSV would work for this? I don't know the dimensions as I am at work. It looks like your device is shorter than the LSV, but it still might be long enough to fit into the holder I'm using (it's just a stainless wine bottle holder I got from amazon)

IF you were the one who originally bought that stand, you inspired me to, as well. I snagged one a few months back. I put a plastic liner on the inner cutout to prevent any scuffs to my prized LSV collection :) These stands are far too big. Actually... a near perfect stand would be a ceramic spoon rest (like a stove top utensil rest) like this :


Also a super cool stand! Will probably pick up a set of both of these designs just to have for display purposes.

The ceramic spoon rest seems like a perfect solution, tbh. That may be my go-to recommendation for a no-hassle stand. They are ubiquitous and inexpensive, the name of the game with this project.

Edit: Size comparison
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HAL is a StarChild
Yup that was me. That spatula catcher might be a really good idea too. I was trying figure out a "softer" option and I think @oldfool is on the right track with the silicone. I thought about after I posted the wine bottle holder that if I did do something like that, a liner was a must since the enclosure is glass. Ceramic would be great thermally, but if you a little too out there you might set it down a little too hard...I'd rather have a softer, more padded solution.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate your patience! Just letting the first round of full kits do their job and show me what, if anything, needs to be changed, fixed, or updated.

So far so good, the only thing we've learned is that the lab clamp is really hard to bend for most people, so it will probably get axed from the kit (most aren't using it). The most favorable way to rest this unit is in a small bowl, ashtray, mug, or other ceramic/glass insulated item, at an angle. I will more than likely make these an optional item, and clear out the stock I have on hand at a discount. It's also the most cumbersome part to package, so there is a materials and weight advantage to ditching it, too. If they're still around after a bit, they'll get donated to my local high school science lab so they can do some good.

Aside from that, builds and use seem to be going swimmingly, so I fully expect to start launching these kits in batches, as planned within the next week or so.

Thank you kindly, everyone, who has been patient and understanding while we lift this project off of the ground. It's very slow going to launch a new product from the ground up on a startup budget, but I have confidence that availability will increase as the kit becomes more adopted and refined.

You guys should be aware that you are more than just customers, you are actively helping shape and refine a product, and it's important that I listen to you!
Hi great job wow . Please say you’ll ship to the UK ....?


Well-Known Member
The Highlighter has really met and passed all my expectations, its very good at extracting baskets, stem packs, and dosing caps with compatible stems, the heater is very powerful, while being simple and something that you literally build yourself by hand. Its an incredible feeling to take a bunch of parts and build a super powerful vape right there, start to finish, and I swear the first hit is so much nicer because of that.

But i will also add - This vape means a lot to me personally. A lot of my very close friends worked together to build this vape, and i was there watching along the way. I didn't really know any of these amazing people (@khelek41girl , @RedEyeFlightControl , Keth, @AWistfulNihilist, Wings, (and so many more)) a year ago today. Now im very happy to call them all friends and know most of them well. Not only was a vape built, but a friendship. And its really awesome to see it coming out, after all of my personal excitement, and seeing that excitement build in others.
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HAL is a StarChild
@oldfool led me to this, I think it might hold the HighLighter better since it has wider slots?
And, I would have it so it sat opposite the way the utensils sit in the image below, so that the "open end" is sticking over and in juts air while most of the body rests on the silicon. What do y'all think?





HAL is a StarChild
I was thinking on the smaller one, you could probably cut out one of the "prongs" and the device should fit nicely. The reason I posted above was specifically because it had a bigger gap between the "prongs".


Inventor,Maker, Pro Nerd, Entgineer, GladScientist
Hi great job wow . Please say you’ll ship to the UK ....?
Tentatively yes. I would like to have it available to foreign markets as well. Shipping won't taste good but I think the cost of the kit will help a lot.
How do I get this kit already !!! For sure will be turning out a log to mount it in, now I have to dig through my collection and pick a solid chunk that vape looks rad
The kit should be releasing in just over a week or so. It will be released in small batches to start, and depending on adoption rate, will likely become a regularly stocked item, provided the demand is there. There are a lot of logistics to work out to expand to this capacity but it is in my roadmap.

Heat shield dimensions will be available on my site within the next week to 10 days.

I guess i can't easily embed the video from reddit, so here is the post:

i will see about uploading them to youtube or something, i think i hit my vimeo quota.

The Highlighter has really met and passed all my expectations, its very good at extracting baskets, stem packs, and dosing caps with compatible stems, the heater is very powerful, while being simple and something that you literally build yourself by hand. Its an incredible feeling to take a bunch of parts and build a super powerful vape right there, start to finish, and I swear the first hit is so much nicer because of that.

But i will also add - This vape means a lot to me personally. A lot of my very close friends worked together to build this vape, and i was there watching along the way. I didn't really know any of these amazing people (@khelek41girl , @RedEyeFlightControl , Keth, @AWistfulNihilist, Wings, (and so many more)) a year ago today. Now im very happy to call them all friends and know most of them well. Not only was a vape built, but a friendship. And its really awesome to see it coming out, after all of my personal excitement, and seeing that excitement build in others.

ABV from that vid, my phone camera is... reasonable

Thanks so much for your participation, @slikrick ! You are right, not only did we build a vape, but we built frientship and good will with plenty to spare, along the way :)

I am so happy to be a part of this project!


Inventor,Maker, Pro Nerd, Entgineer, GladScientist
So wish I was part of the testing :science:
I forgot to ask a while ago, @RedEyeFlightControl is there a waiting list?
Waiting lists aren't something I have done, yet. I know it's pretty common in this industry for lower bandwidth makers like myself. I'm not opposed to the idea, but would need to organize it in a supportable and sustainable way that can cohabitate with the plans to make the kit a regular item.

You will never see me take a preorder, ever, though. I have a major malfunction with accepting payments for things I do not have or have not made. If it's for sale, it's in stock :) Even my commission time (bench units per ano jobs) cannot be oversold to the point of being unsustainable.

So yes, I suppose I could do a list (as long as it cohabitates with my roadmap in a way that allows me to stock more regularly) and as long as I'm not collecting money ahead of dispatching the purchase. I will evaluate this for feasibility after the first few batches go out in the coming weeks.
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