Are the bulbs power hogs?
No, we run then around 15-20 watts or so, at 6-6.8v. Very economical.
@Abysmal Vapor I wanted to touch on these comments -
1) Can be hurtful to the eyes . Can be aided with colored glass, heatshields like the aromed/element desktop by vapman.
-This is why we selected black glass - it's easy on the eyes and traps heat
2) Hot spotting/ Charring the load. Adding mesh and heat shield reduces the hotspotting . Bowl design i cruicial.
-We don't really see much hotspotting because of the way the air passes through the heater and thermal mass. Bowl design and distance to herb is indeed very crucial.
3) Make leads stainless steel, no fiber glass wire insulation ,especially in the airpath . Increase gauge until leads don't get hot.
-Stainless steel leads is a bad idea, SS is a known resistive heater. 16ga silicone clad strandcore should be plenty for 20 watts of power.
4)Get rid of the ceramic bulb socket, cause it has brass contacts that oxidize with god knows what.
@Alan stopped making Halo-Hi due to this issue.
-The bulb socket we use has no fiberglass or brass. The contacts appear to be spring steel, and are crimped with a small copper lug under the rear silicone covers, back in the 200-250 degree zone. I am 100% certain there is no fiberglass or mica, and I am fairly confident you won't find brass anywhere in this airpath.
Other than that i have mixed feelings for covering the bulbs with beads, since those bulb are recommended in use only with open luminaries, but if they did enough testing i guess it is fine.
-We aren't even close to reaching full bulb package operational temperatures, so we should not be experiencing anywhere close to the stress these bulbs are designed to handle. At full tilt, halogens run around 900 degrees F, if I'm not mistaken.
Shitty PWM can make bulbs scream so opt for a good controller.
Can you elaborate on the risks of electrical noise to a passive resistive heater? I don't consider this an issue unless the voltage is *so* unstable that you're experiencing wild temp/illumination swings. In which case, get a better PSU. The problem isn't with the heater.
Make sure you clean the ink/letters from the bulb with iso before installation.
-This is in the instructions
I don't know how is it in the bead concept but using 20w bulb works just as good as using 50w one.
-We found the exact opposite, the 20 watt bulb does not have enough snot for our use case. We tested 20, 35, and 50 watt across multiple voltages. The 50watt was far and away the clear and undefeated champ.
Less amps less heat to the leads

From the all Halo-log projects out there ,the MUSA has most points/issues covered, although i like more the v1 vs v2 design.
The only thing that cannot be aided and bothers me a bit is that the leads of the bulbs are all covered with Niobium.
-Unfortunately we can't alter the bulb leads, this is a known quantity.
The socket in question:
OMTO MR16 GU5.3 GY6.35 Lamp Socket, Common to Miniature Bi-Pin Base G4 G6.35 GX5.3 GZ4 MR11, LED Halogen Incandescent Led Socket Ceramic Body Lamp Holder (12-Pack) (12-Pack) - -