Brewer, Lobbyist, Vaporist

So first impressions:
EXCEPTIONAL build quality. Even better than my Storz & Bickel products...this just feels remarkably solid and well-built. I've owned lots of portables (MFLB, Thermovape T1, PAX, Crafty to name a few) but this just blows the rest out of the water. I have the stainless model, it's heavy in a good way.
It's shorter than I thought; it's actually shorter than most of my actual (writing) pens.
It heats up absurdly fast and the temp dial is amazing!
Some criticisms:
The unit, especially the mouthpiece gets very hot with extended use....I think the best technique to use this would be to pulse the switch off/on during a session to allow it to cool. Since it's actually convection the herbs stop cooking when it shuts off if you don't draw. The silicon mouthpiece is a definite must, otherwise it's uncomfortable to use when it gets this hot. THAT SAID, it does seem to cool off very quickly. Again, I only have the stainless model (perhaps I should have gone Ti...)
I'm very, very happy though overall.
That's funny because I was thinking of buying a crafty to scratch my itch while I wait, how would you compare the flavor of the grasshopper flavor to the crafty? Does it retain flavor though the bowl or does it have the "tic tac effect" like the Pax (tic tac effect: How Tic Tacs have that first initial flavor which (I at least) enjoy more than the actual flavor. It's how I describe terpene denigration through the session, if there's an actual term for that I'm happy to learn