I don't lose sight of the fact that there are many Hoppers now in use in the wild and that I still have a lifetime warranty and a lot of patience. I'm fortunate to have working pieces right now, but it's only due to my long-endured, forced break; I'm sure I'd be using a different vape right now if I were using any at all!
Do you mind sharing why you've been on such an epic break, given that you're clearly still entusiastic about vaping, based on the fact that you're still here

(if you'd rather not share that's cool, obv., just ignore)
There are two other FC threads for Hopper discussions, both were set up as much to receive complaints as to inform about anything, both have been dormant. Maybe some of the discussion in this thread could return to 'how to use/enjoy' the thing and the less practical, more emotional side of things could be taken up in these threads?
Sounds good to me. Though it does seem like most of the people around here who like their GH is waiting for it back at the moment.
I generally run mine on 5 with a PFE through a small dry glass piece, at the moment. It's pretty hot, but I prefer dry glass, and my lungs and throat are good, so I just take it. Rawr

As the only other vapes I use are vapcaps, the chamber size is much bigger, so with my low tolerance and good quality cannabis one full bowl has quite the effect. It's my "oh, go on then, it's [some excuse day/time]" option.
I'm thinking of getting high CBD low THC cannabis soon. Has anybody run that sort of thing through the GH? Any tips on temperature, flavour, or anything else? I've only ever used "normal" cannabis previously. I imagine it might be like decaf coffee, still most of the enjoyment of the ritual and good vibes, but without much change in my thought process. I don't use cannabis for any health issues, generally.