been trying to document the capacity of my batteries over the last two weeks
just took a piece of masking tape and folded it leaving a bit of it exposed to stick to each battery after each charge
then I would just write down in tiny letters the amount my charge gave me after recharging them
of course this is farrrrrrr from accurate but helped weed out shitty batteries (pun intended)
but this time I decide to write down at least 10x charge cycles and always turn hopper to lowest setting and drain the battery to get them bit more equal, I would leave the masking type piece of the one I was using on the charger, also yes cleaning any sticky residue off before use
put the weird part is that maybe half of my shitty batteries have gone from holding only 200-300 mAh to 600-700 mAh and feeling like new again

like been nearly only using it in my living room with not that much temperature difference so hopper doing about the same thing every-time .. not cleaned threads either to that always improves it slightly
though they maybe they dont seam to hold charge as good and even shorter lived session ? (not confirmend)
well reading this longggggggggggg ass thing about batteries to learn what is good and bad made me give up on trying to keep them healthy for the longest because it was like ... good bad good bad good bad good bad
basically they hate heat ... but like to be discharged often ... but have no charge memory so can go pretty low ... but dont keep them fully charged for long ... they can last for long if kept at lower voltage ... but dont work as good in the hopper
Also seams like they are mostly just talking about mobile phone batteries that seam to live pretty easy lives compered to what we are up to
I get about a year out of my batteries though quality is different on each but some have been great for 2 years and other sucked after 3 months .. but then also some of come back to life like I mentioned in the start of this extremely long rant about batteries .. or not rant ... science speak .. to people .. speak
because I have been doing SCIENCE !

and been waiting 2 weeks to announce my finding that turned out to just be horse water (is that a saying?) or like random as fuck
also would kind of need someone ELSE to either write and document the finding or vape the damn bud because doing both is challenging
P.S I literally 99% of the time cycle my batteries 1 to 4 every single time so they have all gotten pretty much the same amount of use, but when I buy new batteries (4x at time) I throw 2 shitty old ones and save 2 new ones for half a years time (about)
okey now I finished like a hopper thread post limit for a month

that is enough out of me for a while