Well ... very not impressed.
My SS Hopper is still not great, better than last time, but probably about as good as it was when I sent it in the very first time, but no better for sure.
Performance wise ... it doesn't perform like my Ti one did. It can milk up a tube but you have to "massage" it a little, using it at 5 for it to work. If you pull too hard it over works the heater (and by too hard I'm not meaning that hard at all but what an average pull would be); so you have to pull slowly at first working up a little but not anywhere near where I would with my Ti (at 4.5 instead of 5). I almost couldn't pull hard/long enough to overwork my Ti ... this one I barely have to try.
The other issue I am sending it in for is the hot back end. Pulling at 5 (or 4.5), any speed, the back-end gets extremely hot. I'm tempted to video tape myself turning it on, taking a 10 second hit. Turning it on again, taking the 2nd 10 second hit. Then I hold my finger to the back end for 5-10 seconds (this will be hard and I'm not sure I can do it) so that I actually get burnt, and show them the burn. I don't know how else my point is going to get across that it's too hot! I'm sure this is in "acceptable range"! ... I call BULLSHIT!
Apart from that, I do like having my mediocre soldering iron Hopper back in my hands; even at this level of performance it performs pretty well ... just no where near where it can. Once you've had a cool running great performing (even erratically) Hopper it's hard to settle for mediocre and scalding.
Edit: I wonder how my Ti will come back? It won't be here for a while, since they "don't do Priority Shipping unless I pay full price". I pointed out how that's interesting since they did it last time but whatever. Coming back USPS lost in space mail.