Discontinued The Grasshopper


Well-Known Member
However, negative experiences, which all products have is the overwhelming minority. That is a fact, though apparently, alternative facts are now acceptable.

:doh::bang: Man, you are on a roll....just please don't start up the automotive industry analogies.

I'm sorry, friend....but IMO you keep making excuses for them and there are those amongst us who just don't buy the "oh, they are a little start up, so we should accept all of this from HL".

Well said, thank you.


Well-Known Member
I can't rep a product that I can't suggest is a great vape for others. LOVE the device, but it needs to not be such a flakey piece of shit. When that changes, i'll change my stance. I also have an extremely difficult time reading some posts in this thread. Frustrates me more than HL or the flakey GH. I feel this thread loses credibility. I LOVE to hear about all GH experiences both amazing and shitty, but I hate the blinders that some people seem to have on. At least it's pretty easy to see right through it.
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Well-Known Member
:horse: crowd funded startup company (not to be confused with companies the budgets the size of small countries and staff greater than the population of small cities, so for example comparing GHL to LLBean is a recipe for disappointment, if you call GHL, that means a person has stopped what they were doing, which is either building a grasshopper, designing a refined part, repairing a grasshopper or fulfilling and order, to talk to you unlike LLBEAN, the person who answers the phone (who may or may not actually work for LLBean, in fact is more likely to be in a prison somewhere, at best a minimum wage call center, that's their only job, and they didn't have to stop making new shoes in a factory that is probably also not owned by LLbean, see the "subtle" difference?).

Sorry, but I gotta call BS on this...

When Pax first started, and to this day, they had stellar customer service VIA TELEPHONE. They would actually call you back to find out how the most recent tech call went. Then it moved to email call-backs.

If I spend $350 (read, "Three hundred fucking fifty dollars"), I want to be able to talk to someone if necessary.

And, from what I've read here, and I know it isn't vetted fact (alternative fact?), but if GHL is refurbing Hoppers by burnishing the metal (which conveniently obscures blemishes) and selling them for $100 (read, "One fucking-hundred dollars") more, well... shit.
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Well-Known Member
How come we're not doing our due diligence as a community and figuring out how to fix these issues on our own? That's the best part about this site, the DIY factor.

Every other vape thread has users with warranty issues that get positively assisted through our members. But the Hopper gets no love?

I went and did some experimenting with my buddy who has an early backer unit. I noticed many differences and think the hot back end issue is caused by a front end thread "issue". The reason for this is, my Ti with it's matching front end works fine, no heat issues. With his early backer Ti front end on, the back end would randomly heat up. So maybe something to do with front end threading connectivity could be displacing heat throughout the unit incorrectly. The screens on the early backer units have larger air holes. This could be a factor in the "hot" airpath issues for users. I have never experienced an uncomfortable heat draw from my unit with the smaller screen holes.

Do yourselves a favour and stay off of reddit.

@biohacker - Just curious have you contacted HL at all throughout your troubles? They have excellent CS despite what the internet claims. I highly recommend it if not. The more descriptive from the get go the better. Cheers


Well-Known Member
Stainless Grasshopper - $175.00
Titanium Grasshopper - $225.00

A new Front end tip cost $20 and then you have the shipping cost - why did you not just get the Ti?

Anyway i think it might help i guess.. i can ask my buddy that has both to test the SS tip on his Ti and come back with a better answer.
I got a great deal on the ss model online and shipped same day. I'm probably going to save for a ti model also so when my ss goes down I'll have a back up when I do a warranty request.
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Well-Known Member
So maybe something to do with front end threading connectivity could be displacing heat throughout the unit incorrectly.

Not too sure about that considering the unit works fine without a mouth piece screwed on. Also if this was true would we not be seeing oxidation buildup on the threads and be basically inhaling it? I have not seen any buildup besides plant matter.


Well-Known Member

Hopper and bath time don't mix!

It sounded like a nice idea relaxing in the tub enjoying the Hopper, but I should have known better. I received quite the jolt after fumbling it live in hand, eventually hitting the water.

Disassembled my sopping hopper immediately, and placed in a ziplock bag filled with rice. Left bag in my furnace room overnight and voila - she works perfect the next day. Can't believe how lucky I am - this hopper remains unregistered.

Vapman exclusively for tub time moving forward.

Basmati ftw!


Well-Known Member

Hopper and bath time don't mix!

It sounded like a nice idea relaxing in the tub enjoying the Hopper, but I should have known better. I received quite the jolt after fumbling it live in hand, eventually hitting the water.

Disassembled my sopping hopper immediately, and placed in a ziplock bag filled with rice. Left bag in my furnace room overnight and voila - she works perfect the next day. Can't believe how lucky I am - this hopper remains unregistered.

Vapman exclusively for tub time moving forward.

Basmati ftw!
Wow, man. Also, don't take a radio or hair dryer into the bath with yourself (and don't run with sissors either!)

Just having a bit of fun with you. Glad your GH recovered well from its dunk.

Mr Mellish

Well-Known Member

Hopper and bath time don't mix!

It sounded like a nice idea relaxing in the tub enjoying the Hopper, but I should have known better. I received quite the jolt after fumbling it live in hand, eventually hitting the water.

Disassembled my sopping hopper immediately, and placed in a ziplock bag filled with rice. Left bag in my furnace room overnight and voila - she works perfect the next day. Can't believe how lucky I am - this hopper remains unregistered.

Vapman exclusively for tub time moving forward.

Basmati ftw!

So the recommended situations for the Vapman grows:

- Zombie apocalypse -- Check
- EMP blast -- Check
- Bath-time -- Check


Well-Known Member
Normally I don't encourage people to drill into my printed stands as it will weaken the structural integrity of the part (the inside is a honeycomb infill). However if you or anyone else would like to order a custom version of this stand with pre-made screw holes to mount it to a surface, I can absolutely do that, please PM me so we can discuss more

Thanks, Ratchett.. I myself have no real need for this stand, but it's good to know we can ask you for customizations when it is possible!

How come we're not doing our due diligence as a community and figuring out how to fix these issues on our own? That's the best part about this site, the DIY factor.

Every other vape thread has users with warranty issues that get positively assisted through our members. But the Hopper gets no love?

I went and did some experimenting with my buddy who has an early backer unit. I noticed many differences and think the hot back end issue is caused by a front end thread "issue". The reason for this is, my Ti with it's matching front end works fine, no heat issues. With his early backer Ti front end on, the back end would randomly heat up. So maybe something to do with front end threading connectivity could be displacing heat throughout the unit incorrectly. The screens on the early backer units have larger air holes. This could be a factor in the "hot" airpath issues for users. I have never experienced an uncomfortable heat draw from my unit with the smaller screen holes.

If by "front end" you mean the Mouthpiece, there is no way that the MP has anything to do with how well or poorly the Hopper heats up. If it appears to be so, then you may have poltergeists. :evil:

This forum has a Resource Thread
Grasshopper Fixes

It began a while ago, and there are things on there that are still up for debate, but also some very helpful tips.


Brewer, Lobbyist, Vaporist
PAX must of had support from APPLE! :rofl:

Not apple, just a major Japanese Tobacco companies and venture capitalist to the tune of several tens of millions of dollars


A little different a capital position to be in than reason WHOA 3.6 hundred thousands dollars


Disassembled my sopping hopper immediately, and placed in a ziplock bag filled with rice. Left bag in my furnace room overnight and voila - she works perfect the next day. Can't believe how lucky I am - this hopper remains unregistered.

You see everybody, even my lying eyes have been wrong, Grasshoppers are totally pieces of garbage, you can't even swim with them! but seriously glad both you and your hopper are okay, its exactly this reason that bath time is still spliff time in my house ... although I did manage to use my pax2 floating in the pool last summer ... that must be how they spent that extra 46.5 million dollars ... that and people to answer the phone apparently

Oh and guess whats going back for an RMA today my Davicni IQ ... I'm not gonna go say ergo Davinci is a terrible company, things happen with a new product launch, even for "established" companies in what is a new space and new technology space, portable vaporizers, do I wish the bowl hadn't cracked within a week of getting it? Sure, do I wish they had responded to my email that second? Sure but how old is that company 5 years maybe, I still remain convinced that most people who buy vaporizers are generally happy and a very vocal minority have what are in fact probably only slightly below average experiences which prompts wild speculation in a vacuum which is too bad because it detracts from those coming to look for good information.

For myself I keep coming back because its highly entertaining, gives me something to do while I wait for my Firefly 2 to finish in the washing machine ...
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Well-Known Member

Hopper and bath time don't mix!

It sounded like a nice idea relaxing in the tub enjoying the Hopper, but I should have known better. I received quite the jolt after fumbling it live in hand, eventually hitting the water.

Disassembled my sopping hopper immediately, and placed in a ziplock bag filled with rice. Left bag in my furnace room overnight and voila - she works perfect the next day. Can't believe how lucky I am - this hopper remains unregistered.

Vapman exclusively for tub time moving forward.

Basmati ftw!


Serial Vapist
About a month ago, I was having problems with my hopper while using it on the ski hill. I'd have the cop lights or immediate blue light on the first or up to three clicks. This was happening for the next two weeks so I was starting to get worried that it was slowly dying. I always used it without the condom.

About 1.5 weeks ago, I decided to use the condom. Took much longer draws (25+ seconds) and made sure I clicked the hopper off during the last 5-7 seconds. I kept the draw going until the air Intake was noticeably cooler.

Low and behold, a day or so later, flashing cop lights or immediate blue light have completely disappeared. Works like it should! (Received July 2016 Ti and no warranties). I was also wondering whether resin was influencing the sensor or internal components as well.

BTW. I've always had the Blue flickering lights since using the GHB2s so I don't see that as a problem at all.

It's called a Coincidence, so don't look too much into it. I pretty much only use my Hopper with the condom on because it always use it through a water tool. My fourth body is arriving today. I've had the cop lights numerous times. Try not to draw any conclusions without a large sample pool, and I can almost guarantee your Hopper is going to crap out sometime in the next few weeks.

I sent my unit out on Friday and I will receive it today on Thursday making it a Six-Day process from California if anybody is interested.


Hey guys, my hopper just returned from boulder from a warranty request, and it appears that the front end (i didn't send that part in) now struggles to fit onto the body. I have to sort of force it past those initial threads to get it to slide on, but before I sent the unit in it would slip on with no issues at all.

Has anyone experience this? I'd like to not strip the threads, what should I do (HL has been notified)?
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Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my hopper just returned from boulder from a warranty request, and it appears that the front end (i didn't send that part in) now struggles to fit onto the body. I have to sort of force it past those initial threads to get it to slide on, but before I sent the unit in it would slip on with no issues at all.

Has anyone experience this? I'd like to not strip the threads, what should I do (HL has been notified)?
The front end is bent ever so slightly. Gently pinch it as you put it on the body and you'll find which direction it is slightly out of round. Give it a good squeeze, and you'll be good to go.

(In my opinion this is exactly why the front end threads are way down by the tip.)


Well-Known Member
@biohacker - Just curious have you contacted HL at all throughout your troubles? They have excellent CS despite what the internet claims. I highly recommend it if not. The more descriptive from the get go the better. Cheers

I was detailed in my description with the retailer that passed on the message (I believe they are the retail distributor for Canada) to HL, and was informed it's completely normal. I don't care about the flickering blue led, it's the super inconsistent anemic clouds that happen more times than not like some people are complaining about.

But hey, at least I got a screen in my front ends! :rofl:


New Member
Hi! Does anyone know (or care to venture a guess) how much the price increase will be on Feb 1? I'm torn between waiting for VF to restock or purchasing now from HL. I believe with the free shipping and the -20% VAT (Canadian here), it might be better to wait for VF. However after seeing the price hike for the HT hoppers I'm not sure anymore. Also, it's my understanding that I'd be less likely to pay the customs duty if I order from VF--although I may be wrong.

Thanks in advance! :)


Well-Known Member
I am starting to think the only way HL are gonna fix this anemic cloudage issue is with mains power.

I feel like tonight I was getting some weaker vapour, so I had a heap trying to have that nice fresh GH bong feeling. I finally got there with a battery fresh from the charger, so I'm going to call it and say that GHB2s are of the same relative durability as GHB1s, time will tell and you heard it hear first but... yeah fuck batteries. The practical bastards. Invest in graphene capacitors.

I've been working in a tiny tech start up this last year, so I can relate somewhat to HLs position, but these guys should have just outsourced assembly and redirected funds from custom batteries to more efficient development and top-tier 14650's. Better quality, better profit.
They bit off more than they could chew, but they've held it together for three years. Four years ago the grasshopper was a computer render and a blurry idea. Four years later, just compare them to Evoke. :shrug:

HL have certainly had an appalling amount of continual blunders, but their product is a good one and is actually available and finally exists in numbers.
I'd urge you @biohacker to keep hassling them until they acknowledge and fix your problem, you too @moondog. Just be descriptive and concise. I've had to get a lot of spare parts but I've made it my business to get what I paid for. There have been dodgy batches floating this whole time, don't fuck with them.
Part of the reason it has taken so long to enter full production is because of their notorious failure rate (the reason it is unsustainable to have such a high failure rate is demand can't be met, they have lived a gamble) and they have relatively slow sales. They don't have massive cashflow, and what they've set up requires one. It's risky business, and I understand where they're not doing enough, but be fair and acknowledge what they have (three dudes are this company, which is now probably 12-36). This is a crowd sourced project and if the crowd is petty then it will simply flop. Either way, there's more products on the horizon, but the GH is still it for now. Though they give us all many reasons to be rationally petty.
I've sent plenty of emails to HL but it's been a good while since I've needed to, as long as they answer them I'll keep using their product and SOSing when needed, otherwise I'd just be smoking as nothing really compares for my use unless I somehow get a supreme 3 and rationalise that chunky beast as appropriate
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Well-Known Member
Hi! Does anyone know (or care to venture a guess) how much the price increase will be on Feb 1? I'm torn between waiting for VF to restock or purchasing now from HL. I believe with the free shipping and the -20% VAT (Canadian here), it might be better to wait for VF. However after seeing the price hike for the HT hoppers I'm not sure anymore. Also, it's my understanding that I'd be less likely to pay the customs duty if I order from VF--although I may be wrong.

My guess is $199 and $249 but why not buy from Toronto Hemp Company? Are you afraid you will have the same experience as my two? lol

I have to thank you @MoltenTiger , you've put things in perspective and perhaps I will start badgering and just try to obtain the product that I thought I purchased, instead of just selling at a loss. I love the GH when it works properly, but I have 3 out of 4 GH's down presently (well one is just because of stripped front end threads) so i'm kinda bummed. I get too frustrated using the flakey hoppers so they are tucked away for now.


New Member
My guess is $199 and $249 but why not buy from Toronto Hemp Company? Are you afraid you will have the same experience as my two? lol

Thanks for your response! The Ti plain and SS comes out to be approximately $430 and $350, respectively, with tax and shipping. While I wouldn't have to wait for the hopper to pass through customs with THC, the SS is similar to the value of the Ti offered by VF--and from what I have read, both are superb but Ti is better in terms of heat up/cool down time, lighter, etc.

Honestly, the fact that it's also more scratch resistant makes the OCD in me a lot more interested in the Ti lol. If anyone has both, can you comment on the wear and tear of your grasshoppers over time?

I do hope that the price hike will be ~$25. When I asked around on reddit, the estimate was $50~$100.

Mr. Me2

Well-Known Member
Thanks for your response! The Ti plain and SS comes out to be approximately $430 and $350, respectively, with tax and shipping. While I wouldn't have to wait for the hopper to pass through customs with THC, the SS is similar to the value of the Ti offered by VF--and from what I have read, both are superb but Ti is better in terms of heat up/cool down time, lighter, etc.

Honestly, the fact that it's also more scratch resistant makes the OCD in me a lot more interested in the Ti lol. If anyone has both, can you comment on the wear and tear of your grasshoppers over time?

I do hope that the price hike will be ~$25. When I asked around on reddit, the estimate was $50~$100.
Hi and welcome @hell0kitty !

Anything you've read about the amount of upcoming price increases are just guesses. Only ghl knows for sure, and they're not talking...


Well-Known Member

I have read that some members with this problem who filed a warranty and did send their hopper to hl was told that hl could not duplicate their problem and that the gh is working correctly (5 sec. red light and then when reaching temp. blue lights) and that the reason for this is that a pin in the gh backend got back in place while transporting to gh...

so some meber in this theead wrote that they could fix the light problem shaking and tapping the gh gently against table and so...

I tried that and the light problem was solved but the vapor output was very small nearly visible clouds at temp 5.
it seemed like the heat on setting 5 was the same as setting one...

Today before sending in I had again immediately blue lights without heat..
So i tapped the gh gently on my upper leg (the backend part... to get the pin in right position) and it worked again like normal regarding the light pattern .. it also gets hot ... but again the temp on 5 was like on setting one and weak vapor production...

if you have the blue light problem try it for yourself and test if it works like normal (heating up and big clouds on temp 5)
please let me know about your results...

in my opinion if you send it to gh it is impotant to tell them otherwise they only turn on your gh and if the lights work as normal when turning on (5sec. red then blue)( and because of transpotation the pin got in place)... they maybe do not test if the gh works correctly (heating up correctly, producing clouds) and will send it to you back not heating up correctly...


Well-Known Member
I was detailed in my description with the retailer that passed on the message (I believe they are the retail distributor for Canada) to HL, and was informed it's completely normal. I don't care about the flickering blue led, it's the super inconsistent anemic clouds that happen more times than not like some people are complaining about.

But hey, at least I got a screen in my front ends! :rofl:
I don't understand your hesitation in at least contacting(you can email and ask for help without sending in your unit) HL and asking about your anemic situation. Maybe they'll have a fix, or you can get a new part asap. Definitely beats coming on here every other day and claiming that you'll have to sell yours without even trying to warranty them or asking the company if the problem can be fixed. Sorry but I don't get your logic.
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